Location Master


🎥Production Company and Service based in Milan since 2008. Movies/Commercials/Documentaries/Photography around the world 🌎 mainly in Italy 🇮🇹
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4 anni fa
🇿🇦 One of the most interesting scoutings done last year, during the shoot of fashion catalogue. This road, near Cape Town, is simply unique for its beauty and colors.
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4 anni fa
🇮🇹 A picture from a recent scout we made on the Como Lake. The garden of this villa has many different spots that can be the perfect location for your next shoot!
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5 anni fa
🇮🇹 Is it a villa that you’re looking for your next shooting? The entire Italian territory of Italy is full of beauties like this one. Interested in this villa? Send us an email or a dm 😉
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5 anni fa
🇨🇭Shooting in the mountains presents a lot of challenges, especially if you’re in the snow. Here’s some backstage from our last gig in Switzerland!
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5 anni fa
🇨🇭 Nice day for a shooting, isn’t it? 😃
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5 anni fa
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5 anni fa
🇿🇦 A shot from one of pur scouts in South Africa, done in December last year. South Africa is an amazing place to shoot: wonderful locations, welcoming people and great food. If you’re searching for incredible landscapes for your production, let us know: we’d love to go back there with another project 😉
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5 anni fa
🇨🇭A pic taken from our scout around Jurgenfrau!
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5 anni fa
🇨🇭Another nice little spot in the woods, on our path down to Wengen. The forests in this area are marvelous, a great place to shoot! ❄️
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5 anni fa