Mads Emil Smed Kjær


Retoucher & Photographer @hoodagency Based in Copenhagen.
Retouch & grading work for @liestudio_ leather collection. Photography by @ardasarper
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28 giorni fa
“Love is risking to fall apart” Retouch work for @mariyapepelanova featured in edition #1 of RUN magazine by @lemanagement Talent @mathildebrandi
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2 mesi fa
Retouching work for @liestudio_ Photography by @mounirjonas Talent @victoriaelsebth
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2 mesi fa
Retouch & color grading for @ragbagstudio Reflection collection. Photography @mounirjonas AD @sialucia
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4 mesi fa
Recently got @vivianesassenstudio new book gifted, a photographer who’s a big advocate for re-interpreting old shoots, so in the spirit of that, here’s some recent re-edits of @helenehalskov
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5 mesi fa
Retouch, grading, assist, and c-photo for wonderful @nameitkids christmas campaign. A-photo @mounirjonas AD @sialucia Make-up @k_adelhardt Video @drenday SoMe @camillaphan Production @hoodagency
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7 mesi fa
@matildenielsenn go-see outtake 🌅
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1 anno fa
Ikaros is out, and now streaming on your platform of choice. This project was a wild, and long journey - possibly the most labour intensive thing that I’ve created in my career. Back when I started taking photography seriously, creating a LP cover for a band that I cherished was one of my biggest dreams, and that dream has now come into fruition. The concept for the Album cover was originally created for a mockup music video assignment we had on our second semester. I remember that I really wanted to try my hand at somehow creating something in photoshop that would resemble a physical object, where the cutouts seemed like they could be peeled off to reveal some new part of the story. The red, and orange fiery glow on the eyes was created to illustrate Icarus final moments, the beauty of the sun as it decreases in luminosity with his decent. The dark clouds glowing blightly red to showcase the final light of a sunset, and mimicking the albums inspiration which was a breakup - the last memories, the melancholy. I’m absurdly proud of this piece, and I can’t wait to hold the physical thing in my hands. Huge shout out to @amandaxdrew for modelling for three hours while I figured out the direction I wanted, and massive thanks to the rest of @natlyst_dk for giving me the chance to put a real physical LP cover into the world. #thinkveryl #nowness #fujifilmnordic #beyondphotography #wethephoto #onearthmagazine #777luckyfish #magnificomagazine #ourmag #forevermagazine #composite #fujixt4 #timetobehave #forthetones #artclassified #nowherediary #saturdaysmag #artfucksme #nowherediary #pelicolamag #dreamermagazine #24hourchurch #taintedmag #photographiccollage
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2 anni fa