Marissa (Khalaf) Tenekedes E-RYT 500+


🍉| we can all have our own jam + still dance under the same moon ☾ ॐ| MVMT+STILLS x MARMALADE @zenyogagarage
One of my NON SKIP BEDTIME ROUTINES that makes a HUGE IMPACT while sleeping! 🛏️🥱🤩🍉 All streaming proceeds go to @unrwa
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1 mese fa
Just speaking my #satya !
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1 mese fa
Sunday at the park making wishes of protection and sending love. #freepalestine🇵🇸 Kirra at the end is how I feel most days. Lol no kid was harmed in the making of this video. Kirra doesn’t quite like and has some big feelings around walking in tall grass. We have been holding space for each others big feelings. All shapes and sizes. #alleyesonrafah
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1 mese fa
Waiting for the green flash 🌅 Night one in Turks + Caicos did not disappoint 🫶🏽♥️
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2 mesi fa
The rest of the reel How many times have you made a reel and then @instagram glitched and you lost all of it or some of it or sound didn’t play? Sooooo frustrating
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3 mesi fa
This time in nature, breathing the fresh air, gliding on the fresh snow with my fav person was really healing and really fun. Needed all the spontaneous giggle fits when you’d come around a bend and Mother Nature just opens up before you, so vast and in all her stunning beauty. It would just hit me so hard and I couldn’t help but laugh with gratitude. Like damn I’m so lucky to be here in these moments right now. The mountains, the sky and even the real estate In between. 😜 needed this weekend for my heart and soul very much. And even found another Palestinian, rocking their kufiya down the mountain ✊🏽 As always Free Palestine ♥️🍉🫶🏽 There was about 20 more seconds of this reel that disappeared into the ether. Kinda bummed. Fishy that’s stops after my kufiya…? Haha 😆
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3 mesi fa
My lil KiKiroooooo, she’s our little rough and bumble static clinger bruiser baby ♥️♥️♥️
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3 mesi fa
MAKE IT MAKE SENSE 🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉 Cover photo is a picture of my father’s hand and an olive tree in Jerusalem, Palestine 🇵🇸 #freepalestine #endthepalestinianholocaust #gazaunderattak #istandwithpalestine #fromtherivertothesea #letgazalive #proudpalestinian #freepalestinetillitsbackwards
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4 mesi fa
I wasn’t ready for this, but Leona most certainly is. Today is the first day of school for Leo and my momma heart is so incredibly proud of and excited for her. She has gotten up everyday for the last month asking if she could go to school. I hope this enthusiasm lasts a while 😋 We’ll have to think of some creative ways to help her achieve her goal of one day becoming a dinosaur 🦕 She has been unwavering in her answer for a minute now. 🥰🥲🥹 Love you my sweet little book worm! You’re going to do great things in this life! ♥️🫶🏼 Who cried more?
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4 mesi fa
Today, Feb 2nd, is #WearyourKeffiyeh Day! So here are pics of my fam and I proudly sporting ours from @hirbawi in May of 2023. This trip was the trip of a lifetime. Honestly a gift from the universe. I think about it every single day. So deeply grateful for the time abroad in Jordan and Palestine with two of my favorite people, and all the amazing family we got to see along the way. #freepalestine until it’s backwards. #endtheoccupation🇵🇸 #endthegenocideofpalestinians #ceasefirenow🇵🇸 #kufiya #hirbawi #palestinianlivesmatter #proudpalestinian #yaffablood
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5 mesi fa
Marijuana Mar in her natural habitat! Next Friday 1/26, I’m teaming up with my favorite dispensary in Chicago @ivyhallshop for an Infused Yoga experience at @zenyogagarage ! We’ll sample some fun THC (and non-thc) products before class and then we’ll be moving and grooving to hopefully bring balance into body, mind and spirit! And there might be a green theme playlist too 😂 You know I gotta do it! Lobby hangs 7pm Class starts at 7:30pm 60min Zen Vinyasa Cant wait for this one! Link in bio to sign up!
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5 mesi fa
Mer + Mar combo always + forever. My sweet silly friend, I can’t wait until we can laugh and sing together again. Love you my Merbaby ♥️💛🌻🌼🌸
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