Midnight Foundation


We are an international non-profit organization that fights against the canine cancer, hemangiosarcoma. Donate now on our website!
Translational oncology represents the bridge between dogs and humans with cancer, by integrating clinical trials for dogs into development of new drugs for people, thereby realizing the “one medicine” concept. Compared to the mouse model, the dog is more powerful and unique. Why? Dogs and humans share the same environment, and they both develop cancer spontaneously rather than artificially in the context of an intact immune system. Many cancers in dogs have similar clinical, pathological, and molecular features to their human counterparts. Dogs have a shorter life span and cancer progression is faster. Clinical trials in dogs are cheaper and less time consuming compared to human trials. Translational research in oncology reduces the high failure rate that very often is seen in human trials. Translational research will also reduce laboratory animal experiments and bring new treatments into clinical medicine earlier. If a therapeutic strategy that is efficacious for dogs also works in humans, then everyone wins. #cancerreasearch #immunology #oncology #dog #midnightfoundation
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2 anni fa
Water is one of my favorite things, apart from my dad and my brother Megatron, water is definitely in the top three of my favorite things together with food, cookies, snuggles, sleeping on the bed, napping on the couch, sticks, tennis balls, football balls, going on car trips and snow. That’s more than three things, but water is definitely one of my favorite things. I forgot that also belly rubs are one of my favorite things. Water is awesome. #midnightfoundation #cancerresearch #fightcancer
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IMMUNOTHERAPY The new frontier to defeat cancer Cancer cells have to ability to hijack the immune system in order to hide from the immune attack. Cancer immunotherapy is a type of antitumor treatment that makes cancer cells more visible to the immune system, which will eventually recognize and target them. Additionally, cancer immunotherapy trains the immune system to remember cancer cells, resulting in longer-lasting remissions. It can be used alone or in combination with surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or targeted therapies to improve its efficacy. Cancer immunotherapy will save the lives of many human and canine cancer patients. Substantial progress has been made so far, but much remains to be done. Join the cause to cure cancer. Help us making the difference by donating to the Midnight Foundation. Together we can build a future that is immune to cancer. #midnightfoundation #oncology #immunotherapy #research
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2 anni fa
This is the first time my dad took me to the mountains. At first I wasn’t convinced about this snow thing, but then…. MAN IT’S AWESOME! You can roll around in it, jump in it, run on it, sink your snout in it, eat it, slide with it and so many other things. It became one of my favorite things!
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In the past ten years the survival times of cancer patients have greatly improved, and many cancers that where considered incurable can now actually be cured. We owe these achievements to the tireless work of scientists, researchers and doctors that devote their lives to improve the lives of all living creatures. There is still much work to be done to render cancer a curable disease once and for all. This work requires a concerted effort and contribution from each and every one of us. Researchers, scientists and doctors need our support. Please donate what you can, spread awareness and lend your support. #midnightfoundation #cancerresearch #oncology #immunology
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2 anni fa
Hello my name is Midnight, in February of 2020 I was diagnosed with Hemangiosarcoma (heart cancer), I had surgery on my heart, and in October of 2020 the cancer came back, I was told that I had no more than a day in this life, my dad did not give up and neither did Professor Laura Marconato, an oncologist at the Bologna University. The next day she enrolled me in a clinical trial that involved an anti cancer vaccine (immuno therapy). I got better very quickly and got back to doing all of the things I loved. On march 8 of 2021 due to complications related to my disease I crossed the rainbow bridge. I know that I will forever live in the hearts of my dad, my brother Megatron, and in all of those who loved me and cared for me. And I know I will also live through the lives that wil be positively impacted by research and aid fostered and provided by this foundation that has my name. Much Love Midnight
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