Rachele Daminelli


🪲 Loving, protecting flora and fauna 🌀 Supporting spiritual ecology 🌞 Images licensing via @connectedarchives 🪱 @sun.ra.chele
circle of life
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1 anno fa
Celebrating dad today, melting with sky.
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2 anni fa
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3 anni fa
Part 2 of my project “Soundscape Ecology” + group picture, me shot by Peter, and him showing us his very old recording tapes from Africa 📼
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29 giorni fa
My project “Soundscape Ecology, The voice of nature” is finally out on @atmos ❤️ Soundscape Ecology is a project I started while I was living in Vancouver, Canada and looking for a way to connect to of my biggest passions, music and nature!After long research, I finally found 2 amazing human beings, very different from each other but connected together by a profound passion for bird sounds. 🦜 Peter is an old man, a pioneer of sound recording. He started when there were no books about birds that would allow him to compare what he was looking at with previous sightings. For that reason he has been one of the first who started studying different species around the world using his analog recorders. His deep connection with birds is still alive, now he’s in his 80s and he still goes out in the fields, but he’s also facing some difficulties because a lot of birds now have disappeared due to the massive use of chemicals for agriculture purposes. Sunny, from Taiwan, came in his help to digitize his recording tapes to share them on online databases for avian studies. She’s also working on her own project by monitoring the avian biodiversity with machine learning techniques to address various ecological questions. Sunny mostly records owls and birds to conduct a large scale acoustic data analysis and help preserve the birds biodiversity in different areas. Unfortunately, the natural spaces we all love are facing a soundtrack transformation: the disappearance of birdsong globally due to climate change and lost habitat. If birds are in trouble—then, it’s likely the rest of the ecosystem is at risk as well!! As indicators of nature’s integrity, birds play a crucial role in the natural orchestra of ecosystems, contributing to the overall biodiversity by partaking in food webs, controlling insect populations, dispersing seeds, and helping the regeneration of plant species. Full article here: https://atmos.earth/bird-song-the-voice-of-nature/ 👂🏼Thanks to @sunny_taiwan for opening my ears to the birds incredible melodies around the world
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1 mese fa
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1 mese fa
Solo 8 dei mille lati assurdi dell’albero più bello della mia vita
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1 mese fa
Me and Tom if we were born trees.
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3 mesi fa
My parents have been living in a place where sun doesn’t shine for 3 months during winter, that’s what happen the first day after its return 💛
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4 mesi fa
Anna in her veggies garden + mountain pines before being transformed into cough syrup
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4 mesi fa