Sara Zanotta


Imprenditrice @como_lakeside_official Busy on a mission to find homes that scream THIS IS IT! louder than my morning coffee As seen on @wsj @nytimes
✨ Real estate is generally a long-term investment, so consider your future plans. Will the property meet your needs in the years to come? Remember, in real estate, the goal is to make a decision that aligns with your financial goals and risk tolerance. #realestate #realestategoals #advices #lakesiderealestate #sarazanotta #asseenontv #lakecomo #realestateitaly #bestrealtors #realestatepills @como_lakeside_official
2,882 3
10 mesi fa
Feeling incredibly proud to have been interviewed by @WSJ today about the booming real estate market at Lake Como! It was an absolute pleasure sharing insights into this beautiful place I work and live and its unstoppable growing. Grateful for the opportunity to showcase my passion for real estate and Lake Como's unique charm! #WSJInterview #LakeComo #RealEstate #ProudMoment #PassionForProperty #lakesiderealestate
4,946 5
11 mesi fa
We are on Forbes US @laura_znt
497 4
3 anni fa
HOME (hoʊm) Feeling of warmth, security, and belonging. It’s where memories are made, laughter echoes, love fills the air and the hands of those who love each other squeeze tightly. Home is where we find solace after a long day, where we gather with our own thoughts, and where we can truly be ourselves. . . . #home #feelinghome #lakesiderealestate
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2 mesi fa
Returning from an enriching journey alongside beautiful souls, I find my spirit rejuvenated and my perspective refreshed. Their presence has sparked within me a newfound sense of vitality and purpose. The profound gratitude I harbor towards them is a treasure I shall forever cherish, a beacon guiding me through new beginnings and endless possibilities. Embarking on a journey inward is a profound experience I wish for everyone to undertake. It’s in these moments of self-discovery that we find our true purpose and unlock the potential within ourselves. . . . #womenspower #hittheroad #gratitude
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3 mesi fa
Someone said: “The only way to do great work is to love what you do”. I still remember when I penned down the first sales contract by hand. Alone, in my small newly opened office. The seller and buyer conversed as if it were routine, while I engaged in a lively internal dialogue, striving to maintain composure because everything had to be precise and perfect. I recall that as soon as I finished filling in the last paragraph, I thought: ‘Here we go.’ From there, my passion for this job engulfed me like a hurricane. Quite literally. And the beautiful thing is that, despite the countless challenges faced, I would redo everything exactly the same way. . . . #realestatebroker #realestatelife #lakecomoitaly #comolakeitaly #lakesiderealestate #realtorlife #realtor® #fiaip #realestateexperts #realestatemindset
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4 mesi fa
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4 mesi fa
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4 mesi fa
“Come un guerriero antico, che erige mura impenetrabili per proteggere il suo regno, così l’uomo erige barriere invisibili intorno al suo mondo emotivo. La gabbia di Faraday difende dalle ipotetiche minacce di cambiamento e crea un’ideale isola di tranquillità nell’oceano della vita” - Alberto Moioli, critico e direttore dell’Enciclopedia d’arte italiana, per @felicebattiloro e la sua collezione “La Gabbia di Faraday”. Per me, un’opera davvero speciale, importante e dal significato emotivo davvero profondo. #art #artwork #passionforart #felicebattiloro #homedecor #lakecomo
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4 mesi fa
Ready to score the sickest crib? Let’s find you a pad that screams ‘home sweet home’! #realestate #realestateagents #realtorsofinstagram #lakecomo #realestateitaly #lakesiderealestate @como_lakeside_official
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4 mesi fa
We are Italian real estate agents: of course we make fun of ourselves while being serious! Siamo Agenti Immobiliari Italiani: la combo perfetta tra professionalità e simpatia. Il Making Of alla fine merita. #agentiimmobiliari #agentiimmobiliariitaliani #italianrealestateagents #lakesideimmobiliare #lakesiderealestate #realestate #ofcourse #realtors #italia #Italy
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4 mesi fa
Switching up your hair color is like giving your vibe a major upgrade, just like when you freshen up the walls at #home . It’s all about those nice changes that keep things feeling fresh and on point, isn’t that true? . . . #colors #changes #caramelshades
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5 mesi fa