Seguso 1397 - VENEZIA Boutique


Seguso Vetri d'Arte's presence in Venice a Family tradition in Murano since1397 @seguso1397 #segusovetridarte @seguso1397_veneziaboutique #seguso1397
Finalmente le vetrofanie🍾🍾🍾
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2 giorni fa
Nella nostra Boutique a San Marco 3713....
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24 giorni fa
History: SEGUSO family mentioned in the Golden Book has its own family crest painted on the walls of the great hall in Giustiniani Palace, seat of the Glass Museum in our days. The Golden Book was created in 1605 as an authentic register of the true-born families in Murano. Since 1275 a chief magistrate (Podestà), tasked by the Duke of Venice, had ruled over The “Magnificent Community in Murano” and now he was supported by the Council of Murano, whose members could only be from the original Murano’s families. They could use the title of “glass producers and glass makers” and could coin “oselle” (ancient gold or silver coins) with their own crest and their own name on it. #segusovetridarte #Dorsoduro723 #guggenheim _venice #palazzofortuny _venezia #calledellamandola #seguso
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25 giorni fa
OGGETTI UNICI ROCHEI: un bellissimo vaso della collezione Rochei accompagna il Fil Bleu di UNESCO e Prada @veneziadavivere @oceanliteracy_unescoioc @prada @seguso1397 #oceanliteracy #prada #atelierapertiblu Color, transparency and iridescence are the principal components of this collection. Simple decorations, similar to a tight mass of fine threads which capture the reflections of light breaking on colors, give movement to the objects, animating their harmonious, linear forms. Each design of this Collection is limited to 101. Colore, trasparenza ed iridescenza sono le principali componenti di questa collezione. A forme lineari vengono abbinati semplici decori, simili ad un fitto groviglio di fili sottili che catturando il riflesso della luce infranto sui colori, donano movimento agli oggetti, animandoli di una loro armoniosa corposità. Collezione è in edizione limitata a 101 esemplari.
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1 mese fa
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1 mese fa
The spiral filigrana technique is the primary characteristic of these refined, precious vases where powerful graduations from green to the cool shades of blue reign. The laterally centered spiral which envelops this complex decoration is submerged in a thick layer of transparent glass, enclosing the secret of its creation. This is a signature collection of Seguso Vetri d'Arte Murano dal 1397 #seguso1397 #seguso #segusovetridarte #Murano #venezia
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1 mese fa
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1 mese fa
Oggi celebriamo 627 anni della tradizione Seguso a Murano. Il 3 Maggio 1397 è la data del più antico documento scritto in cui si parla di un maestro vetraio Seguso, figlio di maestro vetraio. Per un brindisi passate a Dorsoduro 723, sede della prima Ambasciata Seguso Vetri d'Arte a Venezia! Today we celebrate 627 years of the Seguso tradition in Murano. May 3rd, 1397 is the date of the oldest written record of a Seguso glassmaster, glassmaker's son. See you at Dorsoduro 723, home of the first Seguso Vetri d'Arte Embassy in Venice! #SegusoVetriArte #SegusoVetriDArte #Murano #MuranoGlass #VeniceGlass #ArtGlassMurano #Seguso @docmichelevernier #veneziadavivere ##guggenheim _venice #gallerieaccademiavenezia #palazzofortuny _venezia #teatrolafenice #palazzo _grassi #glass #art #venice #venedig #venise #venezia
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1 mese fa
Riflessi nella nostra Ambasciata.....
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1 mese fa
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2 mesi fa