Severine Von Kaenel


MASSAGE | YOGA | RETREATS 📍Château-d'Oex / Gstaad 🇨🇭
• HIGHLAND RETREAT • Difficult to resume these magical 3 days with a few pictures.. Thank you to Saskia & @hokacg , you made it possible Thank you to all participants, you made it so special Thank you Mother Nature, you made us feel at home O Mitakuye Oyasin #sweatlodge #nature #hiking #yinyoga #meditation #digitaldetox #plantforaging #cueuillettesauvage #reconectwithnature #paysdenhaut🇨🇭 #yoga #retreatswitzerland
27 3
17 giorni fa
Aaah les belles journées d’avril sur les 🎿 #Grindelwald #ess chax #skiing #sunnyday #lescopains #skiercestlavie
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3 mesi fa
Merci à tous ceux qui ont participé de près ou de loin à ce petit événement de “Yoga en Musiques”. A côté des versements direct que pleins d‘entre vous ont fait nous avons pu reverser un joli petit don en faveur de l‘Association 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 En espérant aussi que nous avons pu inspirer plusieurs d’entre vous à faire de la place dans vos tiroirs et envoyer des dons GRATUITEMENT à La Croix-Rouge Suisse pour leur action 2x Noël, soutenue par la Poste. 👉🏼 👉🏼 Cette action est encore ouverte jusqu’au 11 Janvier. Alors n’attendez pas plus longtemps pour faire votre tri de la nouvelle année 😅☺️. Le monde est bien plus doux quand on s’entraide un petit peu ❤️ Remerciants spécial à Berenice @yogamomentdenhaut et Jeff Widmer ✨ #croixrouge _ch #2xnoel #dons #partager #ensemble #mondemeilleur #PorteBonheur #association #associationportebonheur #yogamomentdenhaut @Jeff Widmer @Gu_ !!re!!_039;Band
19 1
5 mesi fa
• Self Reflection • The year is coming to an end. How many times have you heard or said yourself “I hope the new one is going to be better”…“just another one, what difference does it make”..”glad it’s over”.. but there are other ways to approach this instead of just throwing a year away. How about grabbing a pen and a piece of paper, sitting down for a moment and reflecting, consciously, honestly? The results are surprisingly uplifting :) Choose a couple of questions and take the time. This is about you, only you. •What have I achieved during this year? •What did I learn? •How do I feel ? Why? •What am I grateful for ? •What makes me proud of myself ? •Who are the people who were present and supported me most? Have I expressed my gratitude to them? •What could i have done better? Why? •What do I want to be doing differently in the future? •What can I do to improve my lifestyle/health/habits ? •What are my core values? •What actions can i take to live according these values ? •What makes me happy ? •What do I want to achieve in the near/long term future? •Do I have regrets ? Why ? •What are my priorities? Wishing you all a properous, healthy, adventurous and joyful journey in 2024 🍀💛🍀
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6 mesi fa
From Mexico City thru the whole Oaxaca state with @a_lex_butty and the one and only Prosperito 🚐 What an adventure!! Muuuchas gracias to @ohreally_fab & @almollien for trusting us driving around your lovely house on wheels and the unforgettable memories we will carry with us 🤎
132 4
7 mesi fa
🤎 sunrise in paradise
78 3
7 mesi fa
So much about @supertrail_du_barlatay 24k +\- 1300m I was definitely not on the fast track but I made it 🐌. Thank you girls for the legcrushing experience @genebovet @ohreally_fab @france_searle 🤎 #trailrunning #etivaz #supertrailbarlatay #nature #overyourlimits #itsallinyourhead #mountainlife #paysdenhaut🇨🇭
65 5
10 mesi fa
Rougemont- La Manche-Rochers des Rayes-Dent de Combettes-retour 18km/+1100 #rougemont #paysdenhaut🇨🇭 #parcnaturelgruyerepaysdenhaut #randonnée #hiking #hikingswitzerland #nature #freeyourmind #freedom #
39 0
11 mesi fa
❔Yin Yoga & Fascia Release. What is it ❔ A passive yoga practice for everyone’s level. Poses are held for 2 - 5 minutes focusing in to the deeper layers of the body (Fascia/connective tissue). The muscles need to be completely relaxed in a Yin practice in order to allow the nervous system to switch on parasympathetic mode and release tensions on multiple levels
16 0
1 anno fa