Shakti Kali


🦋Usui Reiki Healer & Teacher🔮🕉 🧿📿🔮💆🏽‍♀️💆🏽‍♂️ I help women manifest the life of their dreams through visualization and self love
Aloha Y’all! This is my commute every week from Honolulu to Kona on the Big Island of Hawaii. I am blessed. My determination and my manifestation got me here. Life is life. You got your ups and downs but overall I’m blessed and I appreciate it all. 2020 was a crazy year as we all are well aware. I almost walked away from nursing altogether without a plan. That’s how much death I saw. I took time off and delved into mystery school with my guru. I spent a great deal of time soul searching and also doing shadow work. Also healing. I refused to watch the news or go on social media. I refused to argue about sickness or racism. I just said F it, let a person have their opinion; I won’t try to change a thing. But I distanced myself from a lot of nonsense and and people to secure MY peace. I saw enough at work, I didn’t need to leave work and deal with nonsense out side of work. So when I got home, I decompressed everyday. I meditated everyday. I got into my mystery school lessons everyday. I manifested everyday. Then one day, I decided to go back to nursing . It was about 6 months later in 2020-2021. Then I ended up in Hawaii on a travel nurse assignment in November 2021. I’m still here. I ain’t leaving unless it’s a travel nurse job or I’m traveling for pleasure. My apartment is on the 31st floor. I post it often. Floor to ceiling windows overlooking the port. I see the cruise ships come in and the aloha tower. And I’ll tell you about this apartment. It was empty for two years. When I made a decision to find a place, it was the first I looked at and I was the first to see it. I was approved for it the next day. And this is the thing , I always saw myself in a high rise apartment with floor to ceiling windows. I manifested that. Visualization is a powerful tool in manifestation. Believing you deserve it is another. Life has been good and bigger doors are opening for me. I feel it! Why because a shift is happening and I feel very uncomfortable. When I feel that way, I get excited because greater is on the horizon. Enjoy the scenery in the video. And let me know what you’ve been blessed with in the comments! #visualization #iamsuccessful #securethebag💰
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8 mesi fa
🔮 Do you believe in the power of an abundance mindset? As a devoted spiritual woman, traveler and registered nurse, I've found the real key to financial freedom and life changing adventures! Dive into my ebook '5 Steps to Developing an Abundance Mindset.' Email opt-in NOW, and unlock a world where money isn't a struggle but a joyful journey! I wanted to announce that my new store is coming soon. I will be revamping my bio. Affirmation cards will be added soon as well and new journals and planners. One of my self love affirmation cards is above. I hope this resonates with you. Be blessed! And don’t forget…… Click link in Bio for more information! #abundancemindset #abundance #financialfreedom #manifesting #manifestingabundance #manifestingworks
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8 mesi fa
Hey Y’all! Want to master the art of successful manifesting? 🌌 Here’s what you need to do - Be crystal clear about your desires. Visualize them coming true daily. Do not let self-doubt creep in. Fierce determination and unwavering belief are key. Live life as if everything you want is already yours! And trust the Universe! As a travel nurse, I have found empowerment in manifesting my dreams into reality. Time for you to taste the power of universe! Let me know if you’ll try this technique in the comments. ⬇️⬇️⬇️#manifestingtips #ManifestingSuccess
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8 mesi fa
Aloha Beloveds! I made a decision a little while ago to nurture my businesses. I’m ready to retire from nursing, aka the rat race, racism, microaggressions and toxic work environments. My first move was purchasing my first property. My second move, revamp and clean up my store and my page. But guess what? Fear started setting in. Fear of failure. Fear of the unknown. I said, I’ll just go and do another travel assignment until THAT day comes. THAT day when everything will fall into place. Basically romanticizing the destination. When everything is a process. So I meditated and prayed. Prayed and meditated. And these questions came to me. 1. What is your why? 2. Remember that decision you made when your why became clear? 3. What are you afraid of? Then it dawned on me that THAT time is now. I’ve been on this cycle for years now. I started my business over a year ago. I see a travel nurse assignment, I take it then I neglect my dreams. Then I face toxicity in the workplace and I get mad at myself. So on this assignment, I didn’t get angry. I just used it as fuel for my inner fire. So this afternoon, after meditating I saw this number 77777 and looked it up. This is the first thing I saw. I want to share this because it may help you. You may be at a crossroads with a decision you made a little while ago. Fear may be setting in, doubt too. The universe got your back though. Move forward! Comment 77777 below if this resonates with you. #77777 #AngelNumbers #DreamsComeTrue #OvercomingFears #Numerology #ManifestingDreams #BelieveInYourself #DreamBig #PositiveVibes #Fearless #SpiritualJourney #Guidance #InnerStrength #LifePurpose #SuccessMindset #Empowerment #SelfDiscovery #DreamChaser #AngelicGuidance #NoFear #Inspiration #PositiveChange #MindsetMatters
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8 mesi fa
No caption. Just Big Facts! Posted @withregram@motivational.child Follow @motivational.child 🙏🏽 #motivation
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1 anno fa
Posted @withrepost@shakti_intuitive_healing I made this a short but that’s sideways. Here are 3 affirmations to help you in the morning. Say them before getting out of bed, or before embarking on a new venture (job, business, position). You can even memorize them and say them on the way to work. For more please Like, Share, and Subscribe. GET YOUR COPY OF MY EBOOKS HERE: The Daily Affirmation Handbook Meditation Mastery Self-love Handbook PLEASE COMMENT DOWN BELOW AND LIKE SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE MEDITATION VIDEOS #positivequotes #positiveaffirmations #successquotes #successmindset #successaffirmations #affirmations
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Aloha Y’all! 💕💕💕 Remember, Things are always working out for you! #fy #explorepage #positivevibes
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Posted @withrepost@shakti_intuitive_healing Aloha Beloveds! ❤️❤️❤️ Finally back to myself after my vacation to Egypt. It was amazing 🤩! Positive affirmations are an important foundation. You believe what you say about you. Repeat these daily and every evening. #powerfulaffirmations #successaffirmations #affirmations #iam #iamaffirmations #dailyaffirmations #moneyaffirmations #selflove #selfawareness #selfloveaffirmations
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1 anno fa
3 Positive Affirmations For Success. Speak life over yourself. Enjoy! 🙏🏽 #igreels #explorepage #affirmations #positiveaffirmations #successquotes
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1 anno fa
Posted @withrepost@shakti_intuitive_healing 💕Aloha Beloveds! 💕💕💕 There was a time in my life where I believed others opinions of me. I allowed those things to get to me and my self-esteem was low. 💕I was always a dreamer but felt that what I wanted was too big for me. I felt that it was too unattainable. I didn’t feel that I was good enough for my own manifestations, my own desires. And therefore couldn’t manifest. Or if I did, j thought it was sheer luck. 💕My mindset shifted mostly during the year 2020. I was in mystery school. Then I started listening to Rev. Ike and Abraham Hicks daily. At the same time, I dove in head first into my spiritual practice. And that’s when I realized that I was limiting myself. 💕We all know what happened during 2020, won’t elaborate on that. And I’m a travel nurse so I saw so much death and sadness, in addition to everything that was going on a the time. I had depression. But I made a choice for depression to not have me. 💕I would turn off the television and social media. I would meditate under my copper pyramid. I would speak affirmations in the morning when I woke up and right before I went to bed at night. I forgave myself first for all the decisions I made out of survival mode. I started loving on my perfections and imperfections. And it all paid off! 💕I now live in a high rise that I always saw myself in. I’m working on my business while I’m still working as a nurse. I live in Hawaii, one of the most beautiful places on this earth. I am more focused on what I want and how I want to get it. I love me. I love it here. My life if soft now. I appreciate it all. I am thankful. 💕The one thing that I had to do was shift my scarcity mindset. If that’s where you’re struggling get my free ebook 5 Steps To Developing An Abundance Mindset. Click Link In Bio. Also check out the great ebooks in stock! #selflove #manifestation #abrahamhicks #mindset #motivationalquotes #motivation #reelsinstagram #loveyourself
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