ONE WITH NATURE artproject


I paint people like they are ONE WITH NATURE✨Art with meaning✨🎨 to protect nature 🌱 #camouflagebodypaint #naturelovers #ancestralwisdom #awaken
EARTHDAY FOR ME IS EVERYDAY. We all need to honor our Home. I do it through Art✨ Here I was in the forest near Oaxaca , called Selva Juarez, incredible and powerful selva as you can see through these photos. The sun light was changing super fast and It was creating beautiful shadows on the body of the model. When I paint in the nature , I am immersed in the best peaceful present moment : I realize how beautiful is to be alive on this Earth, just simply be with all our senses. Amen.✨ #earthday #earthdayeveryday #honor #nature #earth #forest #mothernature #mexico #oaxaca #camouflagebodypaint #camouflagebodypainting #artdaily
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1 anno fa
Un breve momento dove ESSERE ed ELEMENTI vivono in un accordo pieno e diventano indistinguibili l’uno dall’altro. E’ nella natura umana la ricerca di questo sentimento di unione profonda? ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ ENG: A brief moment where being and elements live in full agreement and become indistinguishable from each other. Is it human nature to seek this feeling of profound union? @weare_onewithnature #weareone #natura #sardegna #sardinia #sardegnaterraemare #sardegnamagicisland #isola #bodypaint #camouflagebodypaint #camouflagebodypainting #illusionmakeup #illusionart #weareonewithnature
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9 mesi fa
“She wanted to be Painted with horses”. I think this is one of the best camouflage bodypainting shooting I did with @sigis.mondi 📸✨ BodyPainting by @lelaperezbodypainter on the beauitful soul and artist @deborahgenchi on a majestic black horse in Puglia.🤍 There is no boundaries when you make art ✨ ✨We are one with Nature ✨ #bodypaint #horses #puglia #camouflagebodypaint #horselover
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1 anno fa
WOMEN OF THE JUNGLE PURA VIDA One with Nature , the soul , body and mind is one with this Great Mother Nature that in Costarica seems to reveal her powerful energies. All here is full of Life like in an Eden. Green all around ✨ Thank you life. Thank you @dazencollective . @devinemechelle wanted to be one with the trees, with the whole jungle and we made it happen in 30 minutes surrounded by flowers and birds. We are here for an amazing women retreat that is creating sacred space for 30 women at . We have started and we will be closing the circle this next Monday 🙏✨. #puravida #costarica #camouflagebodypaint #camouflagebodypainting #costaricapuravida #wildjungle #womenofthejungle #womenempowerment #womenretreat #womensupportingwomen
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28 giorni fa
When your soul is awakening …. ✨ @weare_onewithnature We are more than we are , We are One. Art as soul’s expression for the good, for the union. #artforgood #bodypaint #camouflagebodypaint #nature #weareone #wearenature #humanity
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1 mese fa
BENEATH THE SURFACE ✨ To truly understand something, it is necessary to go beneath the surface and delve deeper into its intricacies. It is easy to accept things at face value, but the real essence lies in uncovering what lies beneath. By exploring the underlying factors, motivations, and hidden complexities, we can gain a more comprehensive understanding and make informed judgments. When we go beneath the surface, we peel back the layers of superficiality and dig into the core of a subject. This requires curiosity, critical thinking, and a willingness to question assumptions. It involves looking beyond the obvious and seeking out the underlying truths that may not be immediately apparent. Beneath the surface, we may discover hidden patterns, connections, and nuances that can change our perspective and challenge our preconceived notions. It allows us to uncover the underlying causes and effects, enabling us to make more informed decisions and take meaningful actions. Going beneath the surface also means exploring the emotions, motivations, and experiences that shape our understanding of a situation. It involves empathizing with others, considering different perspectives, and recognizing the complexities of human behavior. By delving deeper into the underlying factors, we can develop a more compassionate and nuanced understanding of the world around us. In a world that often values quick judgments and surface-level analysis, going beneath the surface requires patience and a commitment to intellectual curiosity. It encourages us to look beyond the headlines, the soundbites, and the superficialities, and to embrace the complexity and richness that lies beneath. So, let us not be content with accepting things at face value. Let us dive beneath the surface, explore the depths, and uncover the hidden truths that shape our world. WE ARE ONE. @weare_onewithnature project Model @laotratuvera Photos by @nickpescetto in Hossegor, France. ✨ #union #weareone #onehumanity #onelove #consciousness #bodypaint #art #camouflagebodypaint #camouflagebodypainting #bodypainting #hossegor #artdaily
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1 mese fa
“Earth Day” si celebrava il 22 aprile, ma non dovrebbe esser celebrata solo in un giorno specifico ,ma tutti i giorni della nostra vita, essendo la Terra la nostra casa. Stavo ascoltando la canzone EARTH SONG di Michael Jackson ( artista che ho sempre ascoltato fin da piccola) creata nel 1995( Michael ha iniziato a scriverla nel 1988) ed era un drammatico appello per il pianeta. Credo sia l’inno più bello che sia mai stato scritto per la Madre Terra, delicato e disperato al tempo stesso, maestoso e struggente come la terra violata, come Michael stesso ( lui aveva discendenze dei Nativi Americani e questo può farvi pensare a tanto!). E’ il più potente e drammatico urlo musicale contro la distruzione ambientale e alla vita in generale, ma è anche un incitamento a prendere coscienza e ad agire. Ma quanto attuale è’ ? Quanto si è’ fatto per migliorare? Quando vengono spesi miliardi per comprare Armi e non piantare Alberi e purificare le acqua potabili. “Michael disse che voleva una canzone in grado di aprire la coscienza delle persone e non che, semplicemente, le emozionasse. Voleva che agissero. Ma non era un politico. Era un artista che ci ha mostrato la via della fratellanza universale e della necessità di agire contro le ingiustizie, ognuno a modo suo e secondo le sue capacità. Era un vero agente di cambiamento, oltre che un messaggero spirituale, come dicono molti studiosi. Per questo hanno fatto di tutto per annientarlo e alla fine ci sono riusciti. Così come è accaduto per tanti giusti al mondo. “ Mi chiedo spesso cosa posso fare ogni giorno per esser una persona migliore , ed è’ alla fine semplice : “ guardiamoci allo specchio e agiamo in piccolo per fare i grandi cambiamenti che vogliamo vedere nel mondo”. Chi sente tutto ciò dentro di se vuol dire che sente la chiamata del cambiamento per la via della verità.✨ Camouflage bodypainting eseguiti in vari luoghi del mondo : Sardegna( Italia), Oaxaca e Tulum( Messico) , Costa Azzurra ( Francia), Basilicata ( Italia), grazie 🤍🎨✨ #earthday #earthfocus #earth #motherearth #life #naturelovers #sustainability #bodypaint #camouflagebodypaint #camouflagebodypainting #weareonewithnature #weareone
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2 mesi fa
Dancing in the infinite soul’s espression ✨ My Underwater bodypaint on @giadacampanella 🎨 at @y40_thedeepjoy location during video content workshop of @mattevansfilm 🌊 #underwater #underwatervideo #underwaterlife #underwaterworld #underwaterbodypaint #bodypaint #soulexpression #soulexpansion #artforsoul #art #y40 #thermal
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3 mesi fa
INSTAGRAM VS.REALITY 🤪🖌🎨 , @angie.tutorials and I in the middle of Mayan Jungle and in front of the ancient Mayans Ruins of Muyil ✨. Always be sure to make things that you enjoy or you learn something new✨👌. Life is a learning process itself 🙏✨ Art is my tool to learn and investigate the world and for me camouflage bodypaint makes us be more aware of limitless possibilities ✨ #instagramvsreality #art #awarenessthroughmovement #camouflagebodypaint #camouflagebodypainting #bodypaint #bodypainting #mayaruins #mexico #tulum #mayanruins #weareonewithnature #limitless #viralvideos #viralreels #goviral #foryou
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3 mesi fa
Ricchezza storica dei Maya e Narrativa visiva ✨ Attraverso il bodypaint : questa magnifica arte può essere utilizzata per raccontare una storia o una narrazione in maniera visiva che è radicata nella cultura di riferimento, in questo caso la cultura Maya. Il bodypaint permette di esplorare e apprezzare l’estetica e i significati culturali in modo creativo e visivamente coinvolgente. Qui eravamo di fronte alla piramide maya a Muyil, spettacolare e potente. La cultura Maya era strettamente legata all’ambiente naturale e alla sua conservazione. ✨ Che bello esplorare i luoghi antichi e poter valorizzarli con la mia arte 🤍🎨🖌. Il camouflage bodypainting funge da ponte tra la cultura Maya, l’ambiente e la sensibilizzazione. Può stimolare la curiosità, educare e ispirare il pubblico a prendersi cura dell’ambiente e ad apprezzare la ricchezza culturale. Grazie @angie.tutorials per aver detto si a questa collaborazione artistica stupenda ✨🤍 @rivieramayamx @discover.tulum @visittulumofficial @visitmexico #weareonewithnature #Bodypainting #MayaCulture #MayanArt #Sustainability #EcoFriendly #CulturalHeritage #IndigenousArt #ArtisticExpression #TraditionMeetsSustainability #EnvironmentalAwareness #natureinspired #caribemexicano #quintanaroo
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5 mesi fa
Immersed in Camouflage bodypainting @weare_onewithnature , my body becomes a living canvas. The ocean waves blend with the shades of my painted skin, while the rustle of the palm trees becomes a dynamic reflection on my body that has become art. In this unique union between painting and nature, the pleasure of creating is transformed into a chromatic dance, a visual harmony celebrated under the open sky facing the infinite sea. Photo by @crisarezphoto @cristian.arez Amazing model @annina_reet 🌊 Colors used @narrative_cosmetics 🖌 Location : Tulum Beach, Mexico #art #consciuosnessart #weareone #tulumbeach #tulum #tulummexico #tulumbodypaint #tulumbodypainting #followyourheart #destinations #artlover #oceanlover #oceanlife #weareonewithnature
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6 mesi fa