⬇️⬇️SPEEDWORK TIPS⬇️⬇️ 👉Fast running is smooth running 👉Workouts are for BUILDING fitness, not PROVING it 👉You shouldn't be going *all out*; aim to finish feeling like you have 1 more rep left in the tank! 👉Workouts are where you practice and refine the art & skill of PACING; stop checking your watch every 5 seconds to see if you're "on pace" and then constantly either speeding up or slowing down. YOU'VE GOTTA LET YOURSELF LEARN WHAT IT *FEELS* LIKE 👉If your first rep was the fastest and you get progressively slower each rep, you started too fast. Take that feedback and use it in your next workout 👉Workouts help you practice mental skills; lean into the mental discomfort of hard efforts and ACCEPT IT! Yes it's tough but YOU CAN DO THIS! & have fun!! ❤️Coach Elisabeth If you need help or guidance in WHAT to do, HOW to do it, and WHY you're doing it.. TRAIN WITH RUNNING EXPLAINED! Helping you become a better, faster, SMARTER runner! 🏃‍♀️Training plans, masterclasses, group coaching, & 1:1 run coaching! ☝️ 🎙New episodes of The Running Explained Podcast everything Thursday on your favorite podcast platform! ❤️Train with a community where runners of all paces and all goals can feel confident & supported in your training & racing! #runningisforeveryone #teamrunningexplained
Good reminder!
Thanks for this as I struggle with intervals and always feel like I’m not fit enough to go that fast, after reading this I think that is the problem, I’m going off too hard
Appreciate these reminders today! Currently tackling your excellent L4 Half Marathon plan and learning so much from completing the workouts with pace hidden on my watch!
Thank you for this... What a relief!
Yess to that phrase workouts are about building fitness not proving it!
Yess to your pacing point! I’m getting better at it, but it takes practice!