This mural is painted in the Kichwa Tunibamba community of Bellavista, in the Cotacachi canton, Sierra northern Ecuador. The writing “La vida es sueño, y los sueños, sueños son” that translates to life is a dream and dreams are dreams. Painted for @nuevomural unibamba Hacienda: At dawn on June 21, 1982, the community members of Tunibamba de Bellavista in the Cotacachi canton took over the Tunibamba Hacienda, which at that time legally belonged to Mrs. Virginia Rodríguez Dávila, widow of Jaramillo, the sole owner of 123 hectares of land, 60 of which were forests. and 63 of arable land under irrigation, where the community members were laborers; The objective was the recover the land taken from the ancestors more than 500 years ago by the Spanish colonizers; eliminate poverty and malnutrition in the community; rescue and keep alive the Kichwa cultural identity; revive community life and work at the service of the people; and, train community members about community life and organization based on the legitimate possession of the ex-Tunibamba hacienda community land. The community resisted 12 years of paramilitary attacks and injustices by Ecuadorian state institutions; in 1991 the National Congress expropriated the Hacienda Tunibamba, but it was not until 1994, after a second occupation occurred in December 1993, that the Ecuadorian Institute of Agrarian Reform and Colonization IERAC would award the land to the community. Tunipampa Llaktapak Allpa Mama.
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