Australia faces a ‘harmful sexual socialisation of an entire generation’ if unfettered access by children to pornography is not reversed with tech companies given six months to act or face forced regulation.⁠ ⁠ The call for action follows a spike in the exposure of young Australians to pornographic material on platforms including TikTok, Instagram, YouTube and Snapchat, which “violates their terms of service”.⁠ ⁠ With Anthony Albanese and Peter Dutton warning of the need for stricter age-verification rules amid concerns about the social perils of porn, tech companies have been set an October deadline to present preliminary codes.⁠ ⁠ Read the full story at the link in our bio.
People need to stop falling for the “we’re doing this for public safety” or “we’re doing this for kids” Censorship. Censorship. Censorship… Law. Laws. Laws… it’s just more control over the people. We already have a massive government overreach problem. Parents need start parenting and holding themselves responsible for what their kids watch online.
I and most if not all of my friends saw pornography as kids and somehow all are functioning members of society. Fascist religious prudes what to censor viewing porn