Prominent businesswoman Sam Mostyn has been sworn in as the country's next governor-general in the senate chamber.⁠ ⁠ Numerous dignitaries, including the British High Commissioner to Australia, Vicki Treadell and Japanese ambassador to Australia, Kazuhiro Suzuki were present.⁠ ⁠ Ms Mostyn read and signed an oath of allegiance to his majesty, King Charles III, overseen by Chief Justice Stephen Gageler.⁠ ⁠ Ms Mostyn proceeded to make a speech in which she spoke about her father, an army officer who served for over 40 years in the Australian Defence Force, and her mother, who would have been "the proudest person here" if she were still alive.⁠ ⁠ She said she had "reflected very deeply" on the words of the Prime Minister, who said he had seen in her a "modern optimistic governor-general".⁠ Ms Mostyn said contemporary challenges including violence against women, growing economic inequality, the lingering impacts of the Covid pandemic and the "pernicious impact of social media" were "placing strains" on the confidence Australians have in their country. ⁠ Ms Mostyn said her first priority in reflecting on this was to meet with all five living former governors-general, including her immediate predecessor, General David Hurley and then to meet the King.⁠ ⁠ Read more at the link in our bio.⁠ ⁠ #SamMostyn
Dreadful person
Funny how she swears allegiance for a $700k pay cheque, yet she advocates for Australia to become a Republic. The irony…
Sleazy Albanesey's Marxist left monarchy hating activist gets a diversity hire job then a $200k pay rise to tow the socialist party line.....filthy filthy corrupt scum
Did we get a say???
What kind of moral she has it shows exactly when she accepted a $200000.00 pay increase 😡😡😡😡😡🤯🤯🤯🤯shameful
The best for Australia is if she sat in the bullshit office and done nothing but take her exorbitant salary BEST FOR OUR COUNTRY
She should be very embarrassed. What will she do to earn all the money she will get. Shake hands, eat and drink. And bd addressed as ‘your honour’!