🆘コピペメールアクション🆘 一斉にすることで、より大きな声になると思います! @mijikanoko サマよりリポストさせて頂きます 🚨Call To Action 🚨 6月22日(土)、23日(日) デンマーク領フェロー諸島の鯨類追い込み猟グローバルアクションに伴い、メールアクションのご協力をお願い致します🙇‍♀️ ********* デンマーク自治領フェロー諸島クラクスヴィークと和歌山県太地町は、鯨類追い込み猟をする姉妹都市 #和歌山県太地町 ********* 在日デンマーク大使館及び関係省庁(①農水産食品部②農業庁③環境保護庁④デンマーク沿岸総局)に自動メールを送ってください🙇‍♀️ 文末にはご自身のお名前(ペンネームでも構いません)を書いてください。 -在日デンマーク大使館 tyoamb@um.dk - デンマーク食品・農業・水産省 fvm@fvm.dk - デンマーク漁業局: mail@lbst.dk - デンマーク環境保護局 info@mst.dk - デンマーク沿岸局: kdi@kyst.dk デンマーク国会 folketinget@ft.dk <メール内容> I'm writing to you today to draw your attention to an environmental problem in the Faroe Islands. As you may know, every year hundreds of pilot whales and dolphins are mercilessly killed by the inhabitants of this archipelago. What these people call a tradition is nothing more than a barbaric massacre. I realize that in the 16th century, hunting pilot whales helped this population to survive. However, in our modern world, I think this hunt is completely unnecessary, as the Faroe Islands offer an excellent standard of living to its inhabitants. Moreover, the use of high-speed boats, sonar systems and new technologies is a far cry from ancient traditions and leaves these animals no chance of survival. Although we don't know the exact number of pilot whales, we can't call this hunt “sustainable”. Indeed, the feringians kill indiscriminately, and even slaughter juveniles and pregnant females, which means that these pilot whale populations have no chance of recovering from this massacre. At a time when biodiversity is collapsing, we can't afford to slaughter wild animals, especially cetaceans whose reproduction rates are low and who play an immense role in the ocean. An ocean that plays an immense role in climate regulation. For all these reasons, I ask you to do everything in your power to put an end to this useless and dangerous practice. I really hope that this problem will be solved with your kind help. Yours sincerely From Japan