Show recap! I’m so grateful for the support I had and friends who came out to cheer me on and see me right when I got off stage. @wuesttttt You made this entire show the best I’ve ever had. You are truly my sister, I don’t know what I would do without you. Placing definitely didn’t turn out as I hoped but that’s okay (second place if you’re wondering), I’ll be back eventually. I have work to do that’s clear to see. I know I can do better and I’m excited to show that. God’s plan is always better than ours, I’m grateful for the experience and the ability to even take part in this sport that I love so much. I have never had so much support during a show. If you know me, you know I hold this sport near and dear to my heart, thank you to those in my life that understand that and respect it because I know it’s not easy. The work continues always and today we’re right back to it. Hope for stage shots soon!
yasssss — you look stunning!! 💚 congrats on such a successful prep + show day despite your crazy work schedule — YOU DID THAT! 👏🏼
Congratulations. This is awesome and you did wonderful ❤️❤️
Felt like I was watching a movie and you are the love interest like WOWWWW
SO SO PROUD and how u handle urself so inspiring
Congratulations girl you look PHENOMENAL 😍