Inky Fingers is very proud to present its inaugural hang 
THIS IS HOW WE DO IT Curated by Bette Buonaguidi & Alex Marquez Part retrospective and part portent of things to come @Realhackneydave and @Rbyrneart have assemble a smorgasbord or artworks from past and present to delight and entertain you. So please come join us for a petit soirée du poche at our Hackney Wick exhibition and event space to celebrate a new beginning and our deep, profound and slightly worrying love for arting. There shall be drinks, there shall be art, there shall be a bunch of interesting & beautiful people and maybe if we’re lucky some pineapple and cheese on cocktail sticks (because we are well classy bunch). Invitation is open to all, we very much look forward to seeing you. THIS IS HOW WE DO IT 7th September 2023 Inky Fingers Unit D14 Curie House Wallis Road E95LN @weareinkyfingers