Gregory Bell


Oak Prairie Arkansas. Not too bad.
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Happy birthday to my #1 homie, my boy “Lil coffee cup.” Thank you for being a friend who’s always there buddy. Hope you have a great day man.
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It’s really hard to put into words a dad’s love for his daughter. This girl has been a part of some of my highest highs, but I won’t say we haven’t had our rougher times too. But no matter what, if I was given 1000 more lives, I would choose you 1000 times over. It hasn’t always been easy, and me and you both know I’m far from perfect. But I love you with a love you may never fully understand Shyanne Edwards, and I thank God that I get to tell people you are my daughter. I love you Shyanne, always and forever. Happy birthday beautiful.
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Man, it’s been a pretty special day here in the Bell household. This bad Larry has traveled a lot of miles to be here. And yeah it might LOOK like a shovel, but don’t let it fool you. It’s actually THE fork that Matt Partain used in France to dispatch his first bite of Brie cheese. The shipping on this thing alone almost broke me. But it was worth it. So here’s to you Mr. “I have no idea what this is so I might as well assault it” cheese guy. Every time I see this fork, I’ll think of how fearless you were on that fateful August day…. #neverforget
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Never thought I would have this much fun at an NBA game !
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If this ain’t fancy, I don’t know what is …. Happy early Valentines Day to the most amazing Woman I’ve ever met. Hey Rick Reeves, what yall eating tonight ?
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Matt Partain I got you son.
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Headed to TX Precision Matches. Bringing my chain with me this time Nellans!
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Oak prairie Arkansas. A small slice of heaven, plus an angel.
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Congratulations Kahl! I couldn’t be happier than to get to watch you win the golden bullet.
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