TX & Travel Photographer | Abbi 💖


🍉🍉🍉 Artist. Army Vet. Latina. World Traveler. 💖💛💙 Based in Temple, TX | Second Shooter Inquiries Only ✨ About Me: @_abbiablaze
Vroom, temporary caption probs ✨ Ilford HP5 Plus 400, Pentax K1000 50mm. Couldn’t tell you what my settings were 😅 I need to carry a notebook lol
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Beep Boop~ temporary caption until I think of something ✨ Ilford HP5 Plus 400.
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Photo by: @abbiablazephoto ✨ I’m finally getting around to posting photos from last fall. I took a film photography class at @temple_college and I absolutely LOVED it. I wish I had learned film sooner and not been so intimidated by it. Not only is 35mm film new to me, but street photography is also something I picked up in 2023. Both have helped me take in moments, while also reacting immediately, in the form of capturing the scene. I never really gave b+w photos much thought—it wasn’t something I changed in digital photography, but more so a lifesaver when I almost ruin a photo. Now it’s all I want to shoot 😅 I’ve become a little obsessed with film, my friend @focusingout can attest to that—I’m sure he’s annoyed of my forever forwarding marketplace links 😬 (also tysm for being a patient friend and skreet sh00ting with me.) I’m still on the lookout for a film scanner or a setup that I can use my camera for digitizing my film—I have TONS of photos that I never even printed. Okay. Words words words. I’ll ramble laterz. (Also kinda wish I’d selected Kick Push by Lupe Fiasco to accompany this photo lol. Oh well. It’s part of vibe.) Ilford HP5 plus 400.
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🔥 Photographer: @abbiablazephoto Fire Dancer: @naranja.flow Location: Blue Hole Park, Georgetown Nikon D750 Tamron 24-70mm Neewer 300W Strobe Nikon SB 800 Godox V860II
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I’m falling behind. Social media has become such a chore. Sure, handling my personal account—share memes…too easy. But my business accounts? And sharing QUALITY content for you to actually like? And follow me? Heck. I’ve been in a hiatus for quite some time. Mental health. School. Work. Prepping for summer. I’ve been having a rough time, trying to juggle it all. I miss my partner. I’m currently in Olympia, WA with a close friend from a previous chapter (2017-2019) of my life. I’m so grateful for them. For those of you that don’t really know me, know me (which is fine!), my spouse is currently stationed in South Korea and I’m trying to fly standby to go see them. I didn’t make the cut and I’m just hanging out for the next available flight. Anyway. I have a little time to spare, so editing some photos. I’m a little bummed because I was supposed to be on a whole different continent, but that’s okay. I’m spending it with great company and FANTASTIC weather. Also. Time. I haven’t had time like this in such a long time. It’s weird, but nice. Anyway. This photo was from a few weeks ago. I picked up a project that I probably shouldn’t have, due to my plate, but I did anyway. I love art. @hannahhsosweet is a fucking siren. And I love it. I’m a sucker for anything water. This shoot 🥹 I’m excited to show y’all the rest. I’d say, stay tuned, but. Who knows when the next post will be. ✨
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Hello, Hi. This is me. It’s taken me a while to get used to loving me. I don’t love myself daily, and I think that’s okay. But I love that my body does what it does. It wakes up. It breathes. It over thinks sometimes, but. It does the functioning part. (Workin’ on that.) I love who I am becoming. I don’t necessarily love all that I’ve experienced—I love some parts, but I like where I’m going with those experiences. My body has taken me to 36 countries. WITH ANXIETY. Like HOLY HOT DAMN. My body has swam in so many bodies of water—I’m not even sure how deep in some parts! My body has eaten foods that I don’t remember names for…I wasn’t always a fan, but I’m glad I tried at least once. My body has loved. Is loved. Is LOVING. My body is loved and is loving. I love my body most of the time. I love what my body does for me. I’m still learning to listen to my body and what it wants. Sometimes it doesn’t want to get out of bed or eat…we’re working on that. Sometimes I just want to cry with the rain. Last week was gloomy with me. (Or was I gloomy with it?) We have ups and downs. My body has ups and downs. Sometimes I feel so good. So confident, so happy, so energetic. Other times, I feel sad, ugly, mean, broken, tired. I’m still learning. I’m learning forever. I have more countries to visit. More foods to eat. More things to learn. More water to swim in. More photos to take. Of myself. Of others. Of cities, of cake. Of wildflowers, of my husband. Of my dog, of the wall. So much life to live. So much pizza to eat. So much more of me to love. pc: @rebornfromwithin // @deseamexo
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So um, first off. Go check out @terihofford ‘s newest post because holy shit, that hit home. (Also she’s better at words than I am.) I’ve been numbing everything by keeping myself busy. Sometimes I’m not okay. And that’s okay. I need to get better at stopping and smelling the flowers. Or the shit. Life isn’t always pretty—and that’s okay. I need to be okay with that. Its ups and downs…life can’t always be positive. But I need to work on me. My reactivity to things. I need to stop being a yes person because honestly sometimes it’s easier to be distracted than to accept what is going on. Wtf is going on? Holy shit dude, a lot. A lot. Hope you’re doing okay, and if you’re not okay, talk to someone. Rant to me or to a friend or a family member or a peer or a spouse or a medical professional or a hotline. Don’t bottle it in. You fucking matter. Photographer: @abbiablazephoto In Photo: @lynx_of_the_snow Location: @austincinemakerspace Creative Hostess: @photo.rebeka
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The unattractive behind the scenes y’all don’t usually see. File transfer fun schmun ✨ #bts #nikon #filetransfer #weddingphotography #ctx #atx #macbookpro #womensmonth #withasideoffries #abbiablazephoto
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Practicing my OCF. Note to self: check batteries before setting it all up. #ocf #bts #behindthescenes #abbiablazephoto #photographer #offcameraflash #nikon #texas
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I’m about halfway done with the editing process for this entire set. It has taken me a while. (There were a lot of outfit+lighting changes!) I am so grateful for the people that I worked with to create magic. Enjoy. Check the album at abbiablazephoto.com/gallery #academia #boudoir #feminism #womenshistorymonth #weruntheworld #nikond750 #abbiablazephoto #ethereal #babes #beautifulpeople
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Happy International Women’s Day 🖤✨ Photo Dump of the past few years shooting WOMXN 💅🏽 #womensday #royalty #abbiablazephoto #sistersnotcisters
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Hi. It’s been a while. Through second shooting, being a full time student, homework, and plain ol depression, I’m juggling a lot. My partner left for S Korea in January because the Army said so. We decided that because we had just bought our house in 2021 and also I want to finish school, I stayed back. It’s been a bit rough. I’ve accumulated a backlog of photos to edit—I plan for escaping my home to shoot, but once I get home, I fall in this slump. Taking creative photos has helped me a lot. I’m grateful for those creatives I’ve worked with and appreciate y’all’s patience. Anyway. I’m slowly starting to adjust. I have more good days now than I did a month ago. I’m working on it. Welp, now that I’m doing A LITTLE better, it’s midterms & finals time. Tomorrow is my last day before I start spring break. WOHOO. I’m so excited. I owe you guys. Big time. I have photos from early January that I have not touched. I culled these after shooting them, but I never edited them. Welp. Today is international women’s day and I wanted to share a lil something more than what is on my story (that’s just stuff I find when I’m the toilet or taking a break lol). Enjoy this beautiful set coordinated by @storiesthroughtori Photographer: @abbiablazephoto Venue: @austinphotostudio Hair: @bettywbeauty Makeup: @suzannesyrekartistry Models: @nellaallen_ @madymorneault @nerual2001 @yurycardozomodel_ @rachel3parker @ruizaustin3601
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