Pixwox agnezmo投稿
To this day.. this MV from 2023 is still one of my proudest moments!! Who still watches this in 2024? Which one’s your fave part?? Im curious #AGNEZMOGetLoose @ciara
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Follow my official @whatsapp channel “AGNEZ MO” 🤍😌🥂 #AGNEZMO (And for yall nosy people, 😌😆yes i dropped my phone during rehearsal and somehow i like how it turned out 😌😌 And no im not buying a new phone until iphone 16 is out!!)
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Trying to think of a smart caption for this, but “JABBAWOCKEEZ x AGNEZ MO” should suffice. 😌 @jabbawockeez (Who just found out about this video in 2024?) #AGNEZMO
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PAP pas baru pacaran vs PAP after 3 years dating 😁 On a serious note, life’s too short, find your happiness 😍🤍 #AGNEZMO
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Setiap balik lagi manggung di Indo, aku selalu excited banget ketemu @the.agnation disini. Konser kemarin itu seru banget, padahal pas GR aku udah worry cuaca panas Indo bikin “Drama Ketombe Konser”, ketombe kering dan gatel kayak lagi konser di kepala. Drama ketombe ini nih yang bikin aku gak bisa tampil all out. Worry not! Aku punya CLEAR yang selalu jadi teman setiaku untuk Sikat Habis Ketombe Basah dan Kering dengan kekuatan 10x Super Vitamin. Drama ketombe konser? CLEARin aja! #CLEARinAja #CLEARDandruffExpert #DramaKetombe #ads #AGNEZMO
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ASIALAB AMO. A new business endeavor! @asialab.kr and @amoentertainmentasia (with CEO AGNEZ MO) have entered into an official partnership agreement. Our business will operate in Korea, Indonesia but also expand its reach globally for various businesses and entertainment ventures. During this official event of “ASIALAB AMO”, Asia Lab AMO had successful meetings with Banobagi Group @banobagi.official /@banobagi_skin , a leader in Korea’s beauty trend, GOPIZZA @gopizza.kr , an innovative global F&B franchise, and AMO Love Potion @amolovepotion , the best sparkling wine developed by AGNEZ MO. We were able finish filming contents for AGNEZ MO’s visit to Korea with the help of Ananti at Gangnam Hotel @ananti.hotels , a favorite among international celebrities in Korea, Lotte Rent-a-Car @lotte_rentacar , the leading car rental company in Asia, and K-Visa @kvisa_official , Korea‘s No.1 visa service provider. We extend our gratitude to EVR Studio and Drink International for their invaluable contributions. 아시아랩과 아그네즈 모가 긴밀한 파트너십 계약을 체결하였습니다. “ASIALAB AMO”는 한국 – 인도네시아뿐만 아니라 전 세계로 엔터테인먼트와 다양한 글로벌 사업을 함께 합니다. 주 인도네시아 대사관의 협조로 이번 비즈니스 미팅과 아그네즈 모 & 박재범과의 협업 챌린지도 성공적으로 진행할 수 있었습니다. 이번 아그네즈 모와 함께 한 “ASIALAB AMO” 공식 일정에서 아시아랩은 아그네즈 모와 함께 대한민국 최고의 뷰티 트렌드를 선도하는 파트너 바노바기 그룹과 세계로 진출하는 1인 피자 선두주자 고피자, 아그네즈 모가 직접 기획하고 만든 최고의 스파클링 와인 AMO러브포션과의 성공적인 글로벌 비즈니스 미팅을 진행하였습니다. 촬영 진행을 위해 글로벌 스타들이 한국에서 가장 선호하는 아난티 앳 강남 호텔, 아시아 렌터카 업계 1위 롯데렌터카, 대한민국 1위 비자서비스 케이비자의 도움을 통해 이번 아그네즈 모의 멋진 내한 촬영을 함께 할 수 있었습니다. 또한 이브이알스튜디오와 드링크인터네셔널도 함께 해주셔서 정말 감사합니다.
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Thanks @the.agnation for always showing up last night! #AGNEZMO
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Rehearsal flow. Headlining tonight!! And yup you can get that merch on our own merch booth! 🥂 #Bandung #AGNEZMO
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AMO Entertainment Asia x Asia Lab Korea partnership in Korea. Lots of things behind the scenes that my company and my team have been working on. 🥂 #AsiaLabAMO #CEO
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While in Korea… The warmest welcome 🤍
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