

Est. 1995. Bringing people together to explore the intersection of art, technology and society.
Just 1 week left to apply for our Cultural Accelerator Open Call for creatives interested in gaining experiences in game tech, immersive technologies or VR! Want to check your eligibility, or have any burning questions about the opportunity? You can book a drop-in call with our Producer, Jonathan McGrath on Thursday 4 July and Monday 8 July to get the information you need to feel more confident with submitting your application. Book now via our Calendly link/via our website: /futureeverything-info/10min_cultural_accelerator?preview_source=et_card&month=2024-07 Cultural Accelerator is a unique artistic development programme set in the heart of MediaCity, bringing together Greater Manchester based digital artists and private sector organisations. Commissioned by MediaCity Immersive Technologies Innovation Hub (@mitih_mediacity ) and funded by Innovate UK via the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (@greatermcr ) pilot Innovation Accelerators programme.
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We're excited to be at @seesawspace on Wednesday for our event on How to Get Money to Make Art. Here's about our team leading the session - don't worry, you'll be in good hands! @jonathanvincentmcgrath is a producer and facilitator with 20 year’s experience working across theatre, opera, outdoor arts, site specific art, live art practice and contemporary performance as well as developing and expanding artist development programmes for creatives across the North. Previously working with Arts Council England, first within the investment centre and then as a Relationship Manager in Combined Arts, Jonathan was responsible for several NPO’s in the North and championed artists who would not normally engage with ACE. @byhathaikan is an artist, facilitator and producer, often working with young people and schools in collaborative ways to explore creative reuse and climate breakdown as well as supporting alternative pathways and advocacy into the arts sector. She was recently awarded in Round 19 of the Arts Council ‘Develop Your Creative Practice’ grant to pursue skills in digital creation and cocreation ethics. Book your tickets via @seesawspace to get grant ready!
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English Below_ لقطات من اليوم الثالث والأخير من جدول فعاليات تحولات [رقمية] II: “استعادة المستقبل”. تضمّن يوم امس أداء موسيقيا لديفيد ماكفارلين وعلي العمري، وحديث قدمه الفنان فادي غوانمة عن موسيقى الطرب في عصر الذكاء الاصطناعي، ومناقشة حول اخلاقيات الادوات الرقمية، قادتها مجموعة ميتافور الفنية. وبهذا قد اختتمنا ٣ ايام مليئة بالابداع والتجارب المشتركة وتبادل وجهات النظر! نتقدم بجزيل الشكر لكل من شاركنا في اثراء وإنجاح هذا الحدث! يستمر معرض تحولات [رقمية] II “ استعادة المستقبل” حتى 22 تموز 2024، في مبنى 1 - @jngfa Yesterday was the 3rd and last day of the public showcasing events of [Digital] Transmissions II: “RECLAIMING THE FUTURE” Highlights included a performance by David McFarlane and Ali Al Omari, a talk by artist Fadi Ghawanmeh about Tarab music in the era of AI, and a thought provoking discussion about the ethics of digital art led by Metafour Artist Collective. This concluded 3 days filled with creativity, shared experiences and perspectives. Thank you to everyone who made this event a resounding success! The exhibition continues until July 22nd 2024, building (1) - @jngfa #bcmenaarts #factory #jngfa #Digital _Transmissions_II
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Earlier this year, FutureEverything was invited to take part in MSA Live 24, hosted by the brilliant Manchester School of Architecture, a collaboration between Manchester Metropolitan University and The University of Manchester currently placed 5th in the world in the QS 2023 Architecture rankings. MSA Live 24 is an initiative that integrates education with real-world impact through student-led projects. As part of this collaborative partnership our producer, Jonathan McGrath, mentored MSA Live students through the development of a proposal towards Stockport's reinvigoration initiative to become a world-leading digital arts neighbourhood, whilst engaging with Stockport communities to develop an understanding of the local audiences and their needs. This has inspired their proposals to design a pop-up creative hub and outdoor gallery space for the people of Stockport. We've had a wonderful experience working with Manchester School of Architecture and the students and look forward to collaborating with them on future projects. Find out more about the programme through our link in bio. @themsarch @officialuom @manmetuni #placemaking #architecture #msalive #creativehub #digital #manchester #stockport #popup
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English Below_ لقطات من اليوم الثاني للمعرض الختامي لبرنامج تحولات [رقمية] II: “استعادة المستقبل”. التفاعل والنقاش يستمر مع الحدث والمعرض الفني! تضمّن اليوم ورش عمل تطبيقية من قبل ليلى حاجبي ومجموعة ميتافور الفنية، إلى جانب حديث مع ناي تومبسون، حيث أتيحت الفرصة للحاضرين للتعمق في عالم الفن والتكنولوجيا. انضموا إلينا غدًا في اليوم الأخير من الحوارات والعروض الفنية من الساعة ٦ للساعة ٩ في @wijdanartspace @jngfa Day 2 of the [Digital] Transmissions II: “RECLAIMING THE FUTURE” exhibition and public showcasing event: The exchange and dialogue continue as our events bring more engaging experiences! Today featured hands-on workshops by Laila Hajbi, and Metafour Artist Collective, alongside a talk by Nye Thompson, where the attendees had the chance to dive deeper into the world of art and technology. Join us tomorrow for the final day of performances and talks from 6 to 9 pm at @wijdanartspace @jngfa #bcmenaarts #factory #Digital _Transmissions_II
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English Below_ اليوم الأول من الحدث والمعرض الفني لتحولات [رقمية] II: “استعادة المستقبل”. انطلقت فعاليات حدثنا اليوم بعروض موسيقية وأدائية مميزة، وحلقة نقاشية جمعت عدداً من الفاعلين والمؤثرين في المشهد الفني والثقافي والتكنولوجي في الأردن. المعرض تملؤه الحيوية باعمال مقيمي ومدربي وموجهي البرنامج الفنية الملهمة والمبتكرة. نشكر كل من انضم إلينا في حفل افتتاح هذا الحدث. انضموا إلينا في اليومين القادمين حيث نستضيف عددا من الجلسات الحوارية والنقاشية وورش عمل فنية وعملية. لا تفوتوا فرصة التعلم والتواصل مع الفنانين وأعمالهم المعروضة في المتحف الوطني الأردني للفنون الجميلة. Day 1 of the [Digital] Transmissions II: “RECLAIMING THE FUTURE” public showcasing event. Our 3-day event kicked off with amazing dance and music performances, and a networking session with key players from the tech, and art and cultural scene. The gallery is alive with vibrant artworks from our residents, mentors, and advisors who worked on bringing their insightful visions to life. Thanks to to everyone who joined us at the inauguration of the event. Join us in the upcoming 2 days where we’ll be hosting insightful talks and hands-on workshops. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to learn, connect, and be inspired by the incredible talent on display. #bcmenaarts #factory #jngfa #artinamman
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English Below_ هل أنتم مستعدون لرؤية الأعمال الفنية التي أنشأها مقيمو برنامج تحولات [رقمية] II خلال الأشهر الماضية؟ نقوم اليوم بوضع اللمسات الأخيرة على المعرض الختامي للبرنامج. انضموا إلينا يوم الاثنين 2024/6/24 لحضور المعرض ومشاهدة تجارب فنية مبتكرة! Are you ready for the unveiling of the artworks produced by the residents of [Digital] Transmission II over the past six months? We are adding the finishing touches to a unique public showcase and exhibition opening on Monday 24/6/2024. Join us to see this insightful and inspiring art experience!
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📢Calling all Greater Manchester creatives! We've got an exciting opportunity for artists working across VR, Gametech and immersive experiences to engage with experts, learn new skills and receive R&D project funding as part of the Cultural Accelerator programme. Led by FutureEverything for the Manchester Immersive Technologies and Innovation Hub, the Cultural Accelerator programme is designed to support creative collaborations between Greater Manchester Private Sector organisations and creatives. Cultural Accelerator will give participating artists the opportunity to: 💫 Experiment with advancing creative mediums 💥 Access a broad community of companies and technologists with the facilities, resources and skills to support the development of your ideas/projects 🌟 Receive hands-on support from FutureEverything to help you realise the ambition for your ideas/project The programme offers: 💥 R&D Funding of £2,500 to support artists developing new ideas/projects 💫 Present Funding of £25,000 to commission three large artistic projects to be presented at MediaCity in November Deadline for applications is Wednesday, July 10th at 17:00. Click the link in our bio for further details.
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English Below يسعدنا أن نعلن عن جدول فعاليات الحدث الفني لتحولات [رقمية] II : استعادة المستقبل! والذي سيستمر لمدة ثلاثة أيام في 24 و25 و26 حزيران! تابعوا البرنامج المرفق وانضموا إلينا في سلسلة ملهمة وشيقة من العروض والحوارات وورشات العمل، بينما نجتمع لاستكشاف أعمال مجموعة من الفنانين الذين يسردون روايات جديدة من خلال الإبداع والابتكار. We are excited to announce the agenda for Digital Transmissions II: RECLAIMING THE FUTURE 3-day public showcasing event throughout the 24th, 25th, and 26th of June! Join us for inspiring shows and insightful talks and workshops as we come together to explore the works of the participating artists who are crafting new narratives in creative and innovative ways.
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🧩 SPILL THE T X FUTUREEVERYTHING 🧩 Our talks are back! The 4th Volume of our Creative Conversation series Spill The T sees @futureverything talking about ‘How to Get Money to Make Art.’ Jonathan McGrath, an arts professional with over 20 years experience in the arts world, and Hattie Kongaunruan, an artist who has navigated the funding world, will be leading the workshop. You’ll gain an understanding of arts funding, tips on how to apply in the current grants landscape and knowledge of what to avoid in applications. You can join this conversation in-person or online, you can access both types of ticket through the link in our bio✨
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MIF19’s Atmospheric Memory wowed audiences in Sydney 🌏 The unique immersive art environment, created by Rafael Lozano-Hemmer (@lozanohemmer ) and premiered in Manchester, inspired audiences during Sydney Science Festival 2023 at the city’s Powerhouse Museum (@powerhousemuseum ). Surrounded by light, sound and colossal projections, Atmospheric Memory invites you to listen to the turbulent voices in the medium where we live. 🔗 Reminisce about the project - check out the recent trip to Sydney and watch the newly released summary film by clicking the link in Factory International’s bio. ————— Commissioned by: Manchester International Festival Science and Industry Museum (@scienceandindustrymuseum ) FutureEverything (@futureverything ) ELEKTRA/Arsenal Contemporary Art Montreal (@arsenalcontemporary ) Carolina Performing Arts - The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (@carolinaperformingarts )
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English Below تحولات [رقمية] II: استعادة المُستقبل حدث فني يستمر لمدة ثلاثة أيام ومعرض ختامي تتويجا للنسخة الثانية من تحولات [رقمية] ضمن برنامج الإقامات الفنية من منصة مصنع - المتحف الوطني الأردني للفنون الجميلة. يقدم هذا الحدث والمعرض الفني مشاريع إبداعية قام بتطويرها مقيمو برنامج تحولات [رقمية] II في مجالات الفنون البصرية، والصوتية والموسيقية، والأدائية، وفن الأماكن العامة. سيتضمن المعرض أيضًا خمسة أعمال فنية لمرشدي البرنامج من الأردن والمملكة المتحدة، وعمل لمجموعة ميتافور الفنية، بالإضافة إلى عروض فنية يقدمها عدد من الفنانين المستضافين يوم الافتتاح. تمحورت نسخة هذا العام من برنامج تحولات [رقمية] حول موضوع نزع الاستعمار من وجهة نظر مستقبلية، وتعاملت بشكل استباقي مع الأسئلة المتعلقة باستخدامات الذكاء الاصطناعي وتداعياته الأخلاقية على الوعي الذاتي والفاعلية البشرية. فان موضوعات الهوية والتراث والتحرر تشكل المفاهيم الأساسية التي يسكتشفها الفنانون في هذه النسخة من البرنامج من خلال أعمالهم الفنية الرقمية. سجلوا الموعد وكونوا معنا! [Digital] Transmission II: RECLAIMING THE FUTURE A three-day public showcasing event and exhibition in culmination of the [Digital] Transmissions II, artist residency program by Factory / the Jordan National Gallery of Fine Arts. The event and accompanying art exhibition will present digital art projects developed by the program participants across visual, sound, performance, and public arts. The showcase will also feature artworks by five program mentors from Jordan and the UK, the MetaFour Artist Collective, as well as guest contributions from local musicians and performance artists. This year’s edition of the [Digital] Transmissions annual program focused on the theme of decolonialism, approached from a futuristic standpoint, prospectively engaging with questions concerning applications and ethical implications of Artificial Intelligence on human consciousness, subjectivity, and agency. Questions surrounding identity, heritage, and emancipation are among the overarching notions that the artists of this edition explore in their digital artworks. Mark your calendars! Artwork in the poster by Gustav Bauernfeind titled “Market in Yafa” (1887)
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