Gregory Hull


Oil painting artist, plein air and studio. Instagram @gregoryhullpaintings
Gregory Hull - Superbloom -A painting is not the sum total of a bunch of details, but rather the careful choosing and simplifying of the scene. The tendency is for nature to overwhelm us in all her complexity and it's the painter's job to simplify and generalize to create the "feeling" of this complexity without painting every tiny detail.#gregoryhull #pgregoryhullpaintings #superbloom #sonorandesert #2023 #aftertherains #waterinthedesert
Rokkie was happy with his new raincoat, but very unhappy about going for a way in the rain.😄 Happy New Year!🐶 #rainydayfun #doggieraincoat #chusky
Incredible Gregory Hull - Desert Wash - Last week 25% off Holiday Offer -We learn from every painting and more than anything else, it's in the process where we learn. The finished product is just that, the residue of our investigation. While we can learn from studying the good and bad elements of our paintings, sometimes it's good to move forward and keep painting. That is why I advocate speed in doing an outdoor painting. After 2 or 3 hours, the light has changed completely and there is no sense in working on something all day long, changing the light on the painting to match the changing light from the sun. There was, to begin with, something about that scene that grabbed you and made you want to paint it and sticking to that original plan is a good idea. By laying in the lights and shadows almost immediately, changes in light won't affect the painting. Sometimes, for example in the late afternoon, the shadows will improve and become more dramatic. I know from my experience when this will happen and I try to anticipate it in my painting, so I will emphasize my shadows and paint with the moving light. At times, this is serendipitous and a good result occurs, most likely a simplification of the shadow areas and an overall softening of the colors.#gregoryhullpaintings #gregoryhull #gregoryhullartist #arizona #sonorandesert #dryarroyo #takeawalk #waitingforrain
Special Collecting Opportunity for the Holidays 25% off Gregory Hull - Agua Caliente Why do we like to paint outdoors? To arrive at a spot and to be inspired by nature to set up your gear and begin painting requires a burst of energy. The landscape can be a vehicle for all sorts of emotions: happiness, contentment, melancholy, exuberance, joy, etc. I think your emotions show through in the finished painting and thus communicate your feelings to others. A painting on the wall is like a window to other worlds to which we can escape and which triggers emotional and intellectual responses from the viewer. What greater goal of art than this? #WesternArt #WesternPaintings #HolidaySale #ChristmasInTheDesert #GregoryHull #GregoryHullPaintings #Oasis