Karina Constantiniu


La felicità della tua vita dipende dalla qualità dei tuoi pensieri... Marco Aurelio Antonino
1910, l'aéroport de Nice trouve son origine dans l'organisation en 1910 d'un premier meeting aérien, qui suit de seulement un an la première traversée de la Manche par Louis Blériot. Au départ, il s'agit des champs du lieu-dit La Californie. L'aéroport de Nice a été ouvert en 1944 et doit son nom à la zone desservie. Situé à 4 m d'altitude au dessus de la mer, il offre une vue extraordinaire! En 2018, il figure dans le Top 3 des plus belles approches d'aéroports au monde pour la cinquième année consécutive.
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Lourmarin est une commune française située dans le département de Vaucluse, en région Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur. Une forteresse fut créée au xiie siècle. Par une bulle datée de 1189, Clément III plaça sous sa juridiction les hospitaliers du Pont de Bonpas qui possédaient une maison à Lourmarin, sur le chemin menant d'Aix-en-Provence à Apt, à l'entrée de la combe « passage des plus dangereux de la Basse Provence
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Stéphane Bern, journaliste, animateur radio et présentateur télévision. Il est connu comme un spécialiste de la noblesse et de la royauté. Il a été récompensé par plusieurs nations, dont l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres (France), l'Ordre de Grimaldi (Monaco) et l'Ordre de l'Empire britannique (Royaume-Uni), a visité Lourmarin et cette excellente boulangerie !
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In 1888, Van Gogh made several paintings of the seascape and the town. In the early 20th century, the town was a literary and artistic center, with visits inter alios from such figures as American writer Ernest Hemingway and Spanish painter Picasso. The vicinity was used as a setting for various films.
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Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer, the capital of the Camargue. The village was noted in the 4th century AD by the Roman geographer Rufus Festus Avienus.
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Ménerbes became known in the English-speaking world since 1990 through the books of British author Peter Mayle, tales of a British expatriate who settled in the village of Ménerbes.
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Rural Vaucluse was described by author Marcel Pagnol in such novels as Manon des Sources.
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Mayle's best-known book was A Year in Provence, and this put the Luberon region onto the tourist map. The French government made him a Chevalier de la Légion d'honneur (Knight of the Legion of Honor) in 2002, for coopération et francophonie.
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Ménerbes was half depopulated but was the residence of Dora Maar, an artist as well as a lover and muse of Picasso, and the widow of artist Nicolas de Staël, and holiday homes of a London art dealer and a French diplomat, whose visitors to Ménerbes thus included many artistic notables. The region grew lavender, mushrooms, truffles and harsh red wine.
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Ménerbes. The walled village on a hilltop in the Luberon mountains, foothills of the French Alps, constitutes the main settlement in the commune.
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Ménerbes, the settlement where the British author Peter Mayle lived. He relocated from Devon to the Luberon, southern France, in the late 80s but his plans to write a novel were overtaken by an account of life in his new environment. This resulted in his 1989 book A Year in Provence which became an international bestseller, chronicling his first year as a British expatriate in Ménerbes, a village in the southern département Vaucluse.
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Notre-Dame de Beaulieu, Cucuron. In the summer, Cucuron church will have a whittled-down poplar tree leaning on it. Why? Because of a centuries-old tradition that the people of the village must go out and find a poplar tree at least as tall as the church (24m/80ft) and carry it back by hand with a boy riding it and waving a flag, in thanks to the village's patron saint for saving Cucuron from the plague in 1720.
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