Kevin Givens


* Director of Social Media for 📢 2.6💥 MILLION IG + 1.8 MILLION followers on FB ⬅️ COMMUNICATIONS CURATOR 😘
* As a former lonely teenager from the muck ... I still believe in pink carnations and pick-up trucks ... I dig rhythm and blues and still believe in rock-n- roll ... and most of all ... I still believe in dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery ... 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲 #istillbelieve
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* It's a sign 🤌 ... Happy belated #SuperSoulSunday ... enjoy where yew are 😚😘 #IMaLUCKYMAN ♥️ - @kevin.givens #istillbelieve #itsasign #mondaymotivation #btcbelieves #hairstylistlife #happiness
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... with a tear stained face, I'm in awe of just knowing about such an inspiring angel and their journey ... thank-you Duncan Lou Who 🙏🏻❤️ #repost @duncanlouwho Farewell, my friends. I cannot tell you not to be sad, because I know you are. I can tell you that my life was epic and full of joy, happiness, adventures, peanut butter and so much more love than any dog could ever wish for. I told Dad on Tuesday morning as we were laying on the couch together watching the sun rise that I had fulfilled my duty, helping him find someone that loved him and would take care of him unconditionally. That it was time for me to rest, it was clear that I was only going to start having more bad days than good days. He told me in the Drs office when I was diagnosed that I better at least make it to my birthday .. ok Dad… so I did, and I had a wonderful birthday. I felt great, M made me amazing cookies and we spent all day together in the yard. Everyone told me when I was little that I would only live a few years... Ha, that turned out to be a crock of you-know-what. Dad and M were convinced that I was going to live forever, kinda had me convinced too. 😊 The reality is that I will live on forever in the hearts and minds of all of you, I hope, not to mention the interwebs... Dad mumbled about a book of some sort… I have the thing written, all he has to do is get it on actual paper. He is also working on a video of my life that I’m sure when he is ready he will finish and post. My life’s mission was to inspire and spread the joy of living every moment. Many say that I overcame so many obstacles in my life, I say that I just played the cards that were dealt. I saw the good in everything, life is a gift, and we should spend it loving one another. Whenever you are having a bad day or down on your luck, I hope you come back here and scroll through my account and smile. That is what life is truly about, enjoying our time together. Be kind to one another. All my love, 🐾Duncan Lou Who🦴 PS. I’m sure Dad and M will make their own posts as well in their own time. #rip #godspeed #istillbelieve #supersoulsunday #duncanlouwho
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