Klara Kusa


activist, artist, writer
tierra non grata______• Merina, the old factory in Trencin, Slovakia was once an iconic building producing textile for customers all around the world. It used to employ over thousands of people up until it was destroyed by developers and replaced by small office building, AUDOV. As a part of my research, I entered the area where the factory was constructed under the supervision of AUDOV workers. During my visit, I received a gift from the designer: small pieces of leftover fabrics from the factory. I decided to use them to create an installation in Nova Vlna, a gallery placed inside Merina complex. As a part of my internship in the department of painting, I interconnected my paintings with the received fabrics to create an installation in space. The goal was clear, to give a new meaning to these textiles bearing in mind the destroyed factory building and traumatized employees that have no idea what will happen to them in the future. #textileinstallation #artinspace #merinatrencin #novavlna #experimentalpainting
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✺ KLÁRA KUSÁ ✺ VIZUÁLNE UMENIE ✺ ✺ KVANTUM 2024 ✺ 22. – 23.6. 2024 ✺ Klára Kusá je umelkyňa, ktorá sa zaoberá využívaním recyklovateľných materiálov. Pre festival vytvára site-specific inštaláciu “Zem si pamätá”. Umelkyňa si počas návštevy areálu Pažite všimla stromy s železnými drôtmi zarytými do kôry. Drôty sú pozostatkom kontaktnej zoo, ktorá na tomto mieste figurovala. Umelkyňa tak skúma danú lokalitu, využíva odpadové plátno nájdené na danom mieste a potiera ho pôdou z rôznych miest, kde žila. 
Dielo pozostáva z nájdeného odpadového plátna potretého pôdou z rôznych miest, kde autorka žila (Bratislava, Praha, Bánovce nad Bebravou). Na plátno sú prišité fotografie z fondu STK, dokumentujúce históriu jej rodného mesta a pôsobenie Jozefa Tisa. ✺ Viac info v BIO a na www.festivalkvantum.sk 
Visual by @matejlackovisualcommunication
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cutting the past, cutting the past, remnants of the performance(scanned), meditating in the midst of it. result? we’ll see, it’s a performance. “The role of artworks is no longer to form imaginary and utopian realities, but to actually be ways of living and models of action within the existing real, whatever the scale chosen by the artist” Relational aesthetics, N. Bourriaurd @garaza_kamba photo: josip bolonic #performanceart #zagreb
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hommage a #sejlakameric - graffiti from zagreb’s bus stop / author’s photograph #stateoftheworld #shaming
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Yesterday @klara.kusa took over @garaza_kamba and presented project “VISIBILITY IS A TRAP”. For the occasion, she created an art installation with videos being projected into the newly deconstructed space while the artist was performing. Following the performances @klara.kusa held talk, allowing her and the audience to discuss her works and the idea of Utopia. #fakifestival #fakifest #theatre #theater #alternative #alternativetheatre #alternativetheatrefestival #theatrefestival #zagreb #zagrebcity #croatia #garazakamba #akcattack
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Klara Kusa - VISIBILITY IS A TRAP 29.5.2024. u 20h – Pojmovi – Biography Klara Kusa is an emerging artist and activist, she appreciates techniques of appropriation, experimentation, and up-cycling/recycling of various objects and materials. The artist works with ready-made objects and found materials/photographs in the space of a particular gallery or exhibition space. Her artistic practice is experimental, utilizing the tools and strategies of conceptual and post-conceptual art. In her work, she uses performative techniques of appropriation, while synthesizing several artistic mediums to create site-specific installations. Currently, she is based in Prague and focuses on the intersection of art and research. She studied at the Academy of Fine Art and Design in Bratislava. Currently, she is based in Prague where she studies Master program of Intermedia.
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On Wednesday, 29th of May at 8PM Garage Kamba is hosting a part of FAKI festival with the exhibition and performance VISIBILITY IS A TRAP by Klara Kusa after which the artist talk will be held. Preface By using technology to exchange information, the individual is under constant surveillance without the possibility of withdrawal or privacy. Instagram's and Facebook's logarithms force their users to continuously post content, and every passive moment is punished with less visibility. The title of multimedia artist Klara Kusa's project "Visibility is a Trap" comes from Michel Foucault's book "Discipline and Punish", in which the author analyzes the strategies of managing and controlling the body through psychology and the effectiveness of surveillance. These disciplinary techniques ensure the obedience of the human masses and elaborate on invisible power tactics that operate economically and aim to increase the obedience and utility of all elements of the system. Klara Kusa's art installation, after being exhibited in a tram in Bratislava, is re-incarnated in an unconventional exhibition space. With inscriptions on posters and video work, a perpetual vortex of paradoxical attitudes and statements related to the capitalist system is created, touching on the topics of shame, media censorship, and visibility on social networks. Klara Kusa's creative approach is based on the critique of artistic (hyper)production of artifacts as one of the main premises of the neoliberal, free market that are also implemented in the world of art. In her artistic practice, she therefore applies an experimental approach that relies on the tools and strategies of (post)conceptual art, in this project dealing with the concept of absurdity and the contradictions of social reality. We are fighting against capitalism, at the same time supporting and using that same system to express our views and opinions, which, if they become too dangerous, are censored. Escape is only an illusion; it is impossible without a complete break from such a comprehensive system that mercilessly grabs every segment of our lives. Sara Mikelić
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Veľa sĺz a hraničných situácií, priveľa už aj na mňa, autorská kniha LAYERS je výsledkom tohto úsilia. Morálne apely sa oplatí robiť iba v neziskovom sektore, v umeleckom sektore to robte s rezervou, stojí to veľa síl a nervov a v konečnom dôsledku sa zmení málo, budete si musieť nasypať popol na hlavu, čo som robila nielen mataforicky, ale aj doslovne. Dodržiavanie ateliérového systému asi má svoj zmysel, i keď ja viem, že je nutné ho prekonať a ukázať, že sa to dá aj inak, inými slovami, steny jednotlivých ateliérov by sa mali na jeden deň odstrániť, bolo by to prínosné. V celom procese som sa pristihla pri tom ako som prestala rozumieť umeniu. Inak: robiť inštitucionálnu kritiku je ťažké. Jedného dňa sa možno čiastočne vrátim do nezisku. Zatiaľ si užite knihu, dnes a zajtra na AVU. Posledné fotografie: Včerajšia performance ako sa symbolicky potieram uhlím archeologického ústavu AV, rovnako tak ním potieram netkanú textíliu, ktorou bol obmotaný pomník Stalina na Letnej, následne uhlie drolím a sypem si na seba jeho zvyšky. Ďakujem všetkým za možnosť projekt dotiahnuť do konca. foto performancií: @khkkkkka #pomnikstalina #layers #artisticresearch #archivebook
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It is my honor that I am able to present my project Visibility is a trap during @faki_festival_zagreb in @garaza_kamba in Zagreb on 29th of May! This will be my first solo show outside Czech/Slovak territories and I’m happy to be able to make it! Performance and artist talk will be held during the opening. LAST PIC - Miss Sloane, never to be forgotten, amazing, fascinating, gruesome character that helped me to create this project. One of the best Hollywood movies I have seen up to this date (20 times at least). Watch it! She is good, Isn’t she? Visibility is a trap is her invention. Partially. #trappedoneagain #visibilitysucks
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research to be continued + obr. 3 -rozhovor s @khkkkkka bol publikovaný na môj blog na @dennikn , následne som sa rozhodla vytvoriť rozhovoru rovnakú grafickú a typografickú úpravu ako článku, ktorý som našla niekoľko dní predtým na tom istom mieste na @avu_prague , keďže ma znechutilo, že takéto texty sa dajú vôbec na akademickej pôde nájsť (ak by ste mali záujem vedieť čo to bolo, mám to naskenované:). link na blog v závere postu. ďakujem sophie scholl a filmu sophie scholl:the final days za to, že ma naučili, čo to znamená gesto a antigesto na akademickej pôde. obr.7 - koncerty @stalin_letna #chybitenam blog: https://dennikn.sk/blog/3955568/sovietsky-zvaz-nemam-rada-neexistuje-v-nom-sloboda/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR01HTLXn5y8umCE-FJLVPNKpiQXgUKXzDGr6mBnXIbHHt5yDaOfOLRM1DU_aem_AWrCkVNnDfG5zZHhrxLfzfxWZF5FYPhAPf0PgmEYCJCVbJ3lTrwhkY9kqQfHpY72n4O_h6-C3IBg-NbYw2LbyzAU
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