

Murals, Paintings & Exploration 💫 Management : Press :
Là où fleurit l'émerveillement Versailles, France. Oct 2020 A travers cette fresque peinte à main levée s'ouvre une fenètre sur un jardin, plus précisement celui de ma mère à Lessy. C'est en partie dans cet endroit que s'est developpé ma curiosité pour le vivant, là où je passais enfant, des journées entières à observer fleurs et insectes. Composée à partir de mes photographies, cette peinture rend hommage aux travaux du botaniste français Bernard de Jussieu (1688-1777) dont ce quartier de Versailles porte aujourd'hui son nom. Merci aux habitants du quartier Jussieu, pour leur soutient et encouragements durant la réalisation. A freehand #mural opening a window on my mother's garden, located in Lessy. It's especially in this place that my curiosity for the living grew, where as a child I spent whole days to observe flowers and insects. Composed from my own photographies, this #painting pays tribute to the french botanist Bernard de Jussieu (1689-1777) which this #Versailles neighborhood bears its name. Une #fresque réalisée dans le cadre du projet #1096 produit par @quai36 en partenariat avec la @villedeversailles @eiffagegroupe Versailles Habitat, Groupe Betom, Ithaques & Vincent Lavergne. Merci pour leur confiance. Merci specialement à @rmz.jonas Hannah Ramuz @benkikou @mimouna_k François de Mazières.
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The Bushwick Collection Brooklyn, NYC. This freehand #mural presents a 7 floors butterflies collection, where each one is painted on common corridors walls of the Denizen building in #Bushwick #Brooklyn It is so far the first time I had the pleasure to visit and paint in #Newyork Thank you so much to @odanewyork for their trust and professionalism to allows this project to become a reality. Thank you to Erin Galvin, Ryoko Okoda and Juan Roque Urrutia. Eternal gratitude to my friend @thejamesrubio for his friendship and support.
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La colección de Ontinyent Ontinyent, España. Mayo 2022 A freehand mural painted during @murart_22 festival From top to bottom, binomial butterflies name : 1 - Iphiclides podalirius 2 - Argynnis adippe chlorodippe 3A - Anthocharis eiphenoides alpium 3B - Polyommatus escheri 4A - Zerynthia rumina 4B - Zegris meridionalis 5 - Polyommatus nivescens Muchas gracias tanto a todo el equipo del festival cómo al ayuntamiento de @ajontinyent por la invitación y la confianza. Ha sido un honor y un placer pintar por segunda vez en España, compartiendo tarima con @lidia.cao @marinacapdevila @sebasvelasco1 y @dulk1 Felicidades a Dulk Studio para haber producido y logrado una gran primera edición de ese festival, con agradecimientos especiales a @saretasf familia Saez y Segura. Gracias a @andreusignes @ccarlossegura @dridali @mariaivanco @pilukaleyba Gracias a la gente del barrio San Rafael por el apoyo y la buena energía durante esos dias de labor, y a todas las personas encontradas esta semana.
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🌍✨ Rejoignez-nous pour une soirée mémorable le 23 Août 2024, où l’art culinaire et visuel se rencontrent dans “Les Voyages Culinaires”. 🍽️🖼️ Découvrez un menu surprise inspiré du monde des papillons, créé avec passion par le chef étoilé Yannick Crepaux et sublimé par les créations artistiques de l’artiste urbain Youri Cansell. 🦋🎨 Réservez dès maintenant votre place pour cette expérience unique au prix exclusif de 400 frs. 🎟️ Contactez le restaurant Le Mont Blanc de l’hôtel Le Crans au +41 27 486 60 88 ou réservez directement sur notre site web Ne manquez pas cette nouvelle date, où la gastronomie et l’art se rejoignent pour vous offrir une soirée inoubliable. 🌟🍷 #LeVoyageCulinaire #ArtCulinaire #ArtVisuel #NouvelleDate #LeMontBlanc #LeCrans #RéservezMaintenant @lecrans @yannickcrepaux @mantrarea
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𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒 « La collection du Valais » @mantrarea A collection of butterflies from the region overlooking the town. Realized free handed in just 3 days. 📷 @mantrarea and @rw2productions #visionartfestival #takingurbanarttonewheights #youricansell #freehandart #muralart #butterfly #lepideptora #papillon #butterflyart ofinstagram #cransmontana #openairmuseum #lesrochesswitzerland #valaiswallis
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Process from a freehand mural painted for the city of Aussillon, in France. May 2024 Binomial name : 🦋 Aglais io 🌿 Syringa vulgaris #youricansell #mantrarea #mural #painting #papillon #placemaking #architecture @villedaussillon
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La renaissance du Paon Aussillon, France. May 2024 A freehand mural painted for the city of Aussilon. A common spring scene as Lylas are actually blooming in Europe, a painting illustrated from my personnal photographies from my mother's garden in Lessy, France. Binomial name : Aglais io Syringa vulgaris Merci à @villedaussillon , Fabrice, Phillipe, 3FOccitanie, et toutes les personnes qui ont participé à tout niveau à la creation de cette oeuvre, ainsi qu'aux habitants d'Aussillon et de Mazamet pour leur encouragement, messages et remerciements. #youricansell #mantrarea #mural #painting #papillon #placemaking #architecture
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The Houston Collection (process) A 233-foot/71 meter tall mural, painted freehand in Downtown Houston, curated by @streetartmankind 📷 @dr_derek #mantrarea #youricansell #mural #workinprogress #publicart #houston #lepidoptera #butterfly
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The Houston Collection A 233-foot/71 meter tall mural, painted freehand in Downtown Houston, curated by @streetartmankind This collection presents a selection of butterflies that can be observed in Houston. Binomial name, from top to bottom :   1. Danaus Plexippus ♂ 2. Adelpha Fessonia ♂ 3. Ascia Monuste ♀ 4. Myscella Ethusa ♂ 5. Doxocopa Pavon ♂ 6. Phoebis Sennae ♀ 7. Doxocopa Laure ♀ 8. Marpesia Petreus ♂ Thank you to Audrey and Tibo, Commissioner Rodney Ellis and all the people that have been involved in this project. #mantrarea #youricansell #mural #publicart #placemaking
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BUTTERFLY EFFECT...🦋🦋🦋 This mural by artist @mantrarea is about the butterfly effect, world interconnection, and how small decisions can have a huge impact on people, societies, and the planet... And, how “a butterfly flapping its wings” or simply the right action at the right place can make a huge difference. It addresses here all together social issues but also environmental issues of habitat fragmentation and climate change. As such, this mural represents all 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals. Also a unique opportunity to learn more on the “Houston Collection” of local butterflies… 📍 1010 Lamar Plaza, Houston, TX 🎥: @dr_derek #streetartmankind #bethechange #artforsocialchange #bigartbiggerchange #sdgs #butterflyeffect #butterfliesofinstagram #butterflies #butterfliesoftheworld
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Introducing 'Passage Paysage'' (Passage Landscape), my latest collaboration project with Spanish artist @gonzaloborondo , set at 2800 meters (9,200 feet) altitude in the heart of the Swiss Alps for @visionartfestival in Crans Montana. This series of freehand murals reflects our shared dialogue and metaphoric interpretation of the mountain. Like visitors trying to connect to its essence and archaeologists seeking clues, we embarked on our quest by collecting all kinds o debris from the surroundings, leaves, fruits, sticks, stones, and even cigarette butts (unfortunately), assigning them a symbolic significance : the ultimate geologic layer. Thank you to the Vision Art Family for this rare and beautiful experience. #mural #mantrarea #borondo #gonzaloborondo #cransmontana #swissalps #visionartfestival
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𝑷𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒂𝒈𝒆 / 𝑷𝒂𝒚𝒔𝒂𝒈𝒆 𝟐𝟔𝟎𝟎𝐦 Collaboration @mantrarea & @gonzaloborondo 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐄𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐞’𝐬 𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐦𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐬 Located in Bellalui, at an altitude of 2600m, overlooking the Rhône valley, this was a real challenge to achieve with all the difficulties of summer access and a fairly unpredictable weather …. Sun, wind, rain and even snow in August ! Gathered objects were carefully arranged and painted on the different sides of the building, like a herbarium in a natural history museum, taken from a scientist’s notebook. Curated by @yashayoungprojects and Gregory Pages for #visionartfestival #takingurbanarttonewheights Video #cransmontana #cransmontanaresort #muralart #murales #illustrationart #conceptart #swissalps #valaiswallis #artandnature #openairmuseum #streetarteverywhere #urbanartist #gonzaloborondo #mantrarea #yashayoungprojects #culturevalais
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