Meyko ⭐⭐⭐|| KKH brainrot


✿Lesbiana fan de Oregairu ✿Dibujo cuando tengo ganas ✿♀/17/INFJ/🇦🇷/♋ ✿Esp/Eng
And so, it's that time of year again. This was definitely a crazy year. I went through many styles and a lot of experimentation, although also due to a lot of inactivity and lack of motivation. It was a quite mixed year for me, one with much greater self-satisfaction with my style, but with more desire to grow and learn. I hope next year is great both for me and for everyone. 💖💖💖💖 Pd: Also, Meyko's face reveal omgggg!!!! #artvsartist #artvsartist2023
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Meyko's Meet the Artist: 2023 edition (swipe for see the old version) Dude, I really made a lot of progress since last year... I feel so proud right now 🥹🥹🥹 #meettheartist #myart #myartwork #digitalart #illustration #artistsoninstagram #artsoninstagram #artsona
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Finally, after a very long time, here's a new batch of KKH redesigns!! As always, names and random facts below: *Lisa Tamado is Twisty T's younger sister. She is a 28-year-old lawyer and has an assertive and fearless personality. She is the mother of Rainbow, Plum and Fig. *Rainbow, Plum and Fig are Lisa's children and Twisty's nephews. Triplets, they share everything: secrets, games and enormous hyperactivity and imagination. *Tec Tamado is Twisty and Lisa's grandfather and therefore the triplets' great-grandfather. It can be said that he raised Twisty and Lisa as if they were his children and is still very close to them. He really likes jazz. * At first glance, Luna, Lily, Frida and Mika seem to be very ordinary citizens, but they have a secret in common: part-time, they are a group of magical guardians thanks to some magical amulets. Meanwhile, they have a tropical style musical band called 'Luna & The Rainbows' *Ms. Otto is the Guardians' mentor, as well as Lulu & The Rainbows' manager. Despite her blindness and motor disability, she is quite intelligent and can compensate for those disabilities with her magical knowledge. #kuukuuharajuku #kuukuuharajukufanart #myart #myartwork #digitalart #illustration #art #artistsoninstagram #characterart #characterreference #characterdesign #redesign #fanart
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Aaaaand here we go, a new batch of KKH redesigns!! (⁠◡⁠ ⁠ω⁠ ⁠◡⁠) As is customary, here are the names and a couple of random data of them: *Victoria Vivianne is the Tanaka Brothers's manager. She has been friends with Rudie since they were children and in some ways, she is the complete opposite of him: confident, organized and sometimes very insensitive. *Riz Deveer III, better known as Golden Ear Deveer III, is the CEO of Golden Records, one of the most important record companies in the country. Heir to a huge business and family fortune, he is a very lazy person who does not take his job very seriously and is highly impressionable. *Gloria Gutiérrez is Deveer's secretary. She is so involved in the company's affairs that she even seems like the real CEO. She believes that Deveer is not a lost cause and that, at some point, will be responsible for the record company. *Bob Wombat is an extremely wealthy and important businessman, producer and event organizer. He is possibly the owner of almost every important event and place in the city. He is always accompanied by his little wombat friend, Womzilla. *Julia and Jamie Looney are Rich Looney's youngest daughters. Twin sisters, both were born with magic, but their dad doesn't know it. They are both very close to Kevin, Gwen FD's youngest son. *Jennifer Looney is Richard's eldest daughter and the twins' older sister. Since she failed every college entrance exam she took, she completely isolated herself in her room. She wasn't born with magical powers. *Andrea 'Andy' Rossi is the child of Claudio Rossi, the local news host. Half vampire and half human, they wants to become a television star just like their dad. *Robert 'Robbie' Ahoyjoy He is Andy's faithful sidekick and best friend. Both are always there, looking to be television stars, especially with comedy sketch shows. He is the brother of Todd (the Tanaka Brothers one) and his mother wants to force him to be a monster hunter. #kuukuuharajuku #kuukuuharajukufanart #myart #myartwork #digitalart #illustration #art #artistsoninstagram #artsoninstagram #characterart #characterreference #characterdesign #characterredesign #fanart #redesign #cartoon
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Here's a new edition of Kuu Kuu Harajuku redesigns!! ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧ Here's some random facts (and names) about them: *Freddie Pluto was once a huge rock star, guitarist, vocalist and leader of the band 'Monarch'. After the breakup of the band he retired from music and isolated himself. He is quite hostile and indifferent, although deep down he has some heart. *Cutie McCuticle She is the host of a talk show called 'Lunch of Stars with Cutie McCuticle'. Despite her advanced age, she always remains jovial, happy and in love with her work. She was a very well-known actress back in the 60s and 70s. *Busy Busy Jones is Cutie's granddaughter. Confident, conceited and vain, she hosts a late night show called "Keepin'up with the Jones". Although she loves her grandmother very much, she always feels that all her achievements are thanks to the latter, which makes her feel very insecure. *Stumpy Joe has worked as a presenter on multiple reality shows, specifically those involving celebrities. Fabulous and narcissistic, he agreed to be Busy's boyfriend just to hide the fact that they are both homosexuals. *Richard Nicholas Looney, better known as Rich, is one of the richest people in town. He is the host of many game and sports shows. His Golden Retriever personality is as big as the danger of the programs he hosts. He has three daughters. *Carter, Christine and Claudio work at the local Harajuku TV news. Carter is in charge of police news and also works as a detective in his spare time, Christine is Carter's older sister and is in charge of general news and Claudio is a vampire who is the host and manager of the sports section of the newscast. *Sharon Roth is the other reporter on the news besides Mauve. Despite being relatively young, she acts like a bitter old woman of 70. Mauve fears that she will one day replace her. *Fabio is the newsreel cameraman. He is always accompanying Mauve and you could say that he is her only real friend. #kuukuuharajuku #kuukuuharajukufanart #myart #myartwork #digitalart #illustration #art #artistsoninstagram #artsoninstagram #characterart #characterreference #characterdesign #characterredesign #fanart #redesign #cartoon
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Better late than never, here's a new batch of redesigns, now with our main girls's classmates and the school main authorities. (⁠ㆁ⁠ω⁠ㆁ⁠) As always, below, from left to right, names and random data: *Sylvia is a girl with an eccentric personality and appearance. Despite this, she is really nice (in her own way). She loves botany and knows a lot about natural poisons. *Paige is a pretty normal girl, really normal. She works at a pet shelter and is really calm compared to her peers. *Patrick is a bitter and sullen boy. He always seems to hate everything and everyone. However, he really likes to draw, especially adorable magical girls. * Alicia is a girl with a sweet and good-natured personality. Class representative, she really likes fantasy stories. She secretly writes fanfiction about them. *Jhonatan is a blind boy who is also an actor. Until now they had only had supporting roles, but they dreams of going further. *Damien and Kaori are twin siblings, although they are too different. While Kaori is frivolous, talkative and vain, Damien is reserved, sensible and cynical. *Emma is Kaori's best friend. Sweet and naive, she is unable to stay silent and cannot keep any secrets, which makes her an adorable double-edged sword. *Ms. Jenkins is the 84-years-old school principal. She loves to do physical activity and exercise and she even has a gym in her office. *Mr. Sunnyday is the vice principal of the school. Smiling, charismatic and talkative, he dreams of being the school principal more than anything, and he would even kill to achieve it. #kuukuuharajuku #kuukuuharajukufanart #myart #myartwork #digitalart #illustration #art #artistsoninstagram #artsoninstagram #characterart #characterreference #characterdesign #characterredesign #fanart #redesign #cartoon
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It's time for a new KKH redesigns batch, now featuring the Mermaids and the girl's teachers in High School ✨✨ As always, names and random facts about them: *The mermaids HAVE to live underwater, without coming to the surface. That's what the local laws say... But Cici and her friends don't care much. The five always find a way to sneak onto the mainland to scare people or play tricks on them with their charming voices. From left to right, their names are: Cici, Coral "Coco", Jade, Nixie and Anémona. Cici is grumpy and sarcastic, Coco is cunning and cynical, Jade is frivolous and egotistical, Nixie is carefree and frank and Anemone is a being of light, kind and calm. *Ms. Jenna Oswalt is a Physical Education and Biology teacher. She is a woman with an unstable character, loud and authoritarian. For her, all of her students are a bunch of failures. *Mr. Gilbert Smith is a Mathematics and Science teacher. He does care about his students, but he expresses that concern by acting very overprotective and strict with his class. Being a vampire, he has all his senses super heightened; nothing escapes him. *Ms. Marlene Pérez is a teacher of History and Social Sciences. She is actually quite cool and charismatic but has a hard time imposing authority and limits. *Ms. Yuko Ishida is a Art and Literature teacher. Pretty bohemian, mystical and introverted. She is a painter, sculptor and poet too. *Mr. Woodrow Woods is a professor of Music and Philosophy. With a broken voice and a passive and shy personality, he has a well-known record label, but he keeps this as a secret. From time to time he advises the girls regarding the band and their music in general. #kuukuuharajuku #kuukuuharajukufanart #myart #myartwork #digitalart #illustration #art #artistsoninstagram #artsoninstagram #characterart #characterreference #characterdesign #characterredesign #fanart #cartoon #cartoons #redesign
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Here's a new batch of redesigns, now featuring some more Harajuku citizens and prominent members of the Harajuku Defense Squad. (⁠☆⁠▽⁠☆⁠) As always, here are some details and the names of each one: *Mr. Smythe is the head and caretaker of the Harajuku Nature Reserve, a place that, instead of a zoo, serves as a place where many animals live and are calm. His love for animals is proportionally inverse to his love for humans. *38 and 218, Neville and Jackson respectively, are also employed in the Reserve, being Smythe's assistants. They both have exactly the same braincell and Smythe doesn't know whether to hate them or tolerate them for that. *Philippa Kropp is the local crazy old lady. The historic Ponycorn racing champion, at some point she lost her mind after an accident and completely isolated herself from the city. For some reason, she hates hats. *The Loud Guy. Nobody knows what their name is, or where he lives or what he does. She only appears screaming out of nowhere when she's very excited about something. *The Colonel's subordinate corporals. She doesn't even remember what their names are. They are just there, helping their General and walking behind her. *Captain Manly is one of the top commanders of the Air Division of the Harajuku Defense Squadron. A wine lover and failed attempt at seducer, he is in love with Spyke, who rejects him and despises him all the time. He is also Mr. Smythe's older brother by 12 years. *First Corporal Harley Harvey is in charge of the Intelligence Service division of the Harajuku Defense Squadron. He is actually quite lazy and carefree despite the importance of his division. #kuukuuharajuku #kuukuuharajukufanart #myart #myartwork #digitalart #illustration #art #artistsoninstagram #fanart #characterart #characterdesign #characterredesign #characterreference #fanart #redesign #cartoon #cartoons
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We resume this series of Kuu Kuu Harajuku redesigns with some aliens and some fluffles!! ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧ Names and random data below: *Reptilian aliens come from a distant planet called Reptilia (hence their name). Arai, Kenkai and Urui (the three in uniform) work at a space shipping company. Their ship crashed on Earth at some point while they were accompanied by Onor, Arai's little niece. *The little insect-like robot is called Edgar. It was provided to our alien friends by the Harajuku defense squad to resolve any of their questions about life on the Earth. *The two giant green aliens are from a species called Crysalis and come from a planet called Crysia. Both queen and king of the place crashed their ship on our planet and, like the reptilians, they did not find a way to return. Although they have been on Earth longer, they are not as bright when it comes to terrestrial life. *The fluffles live hidden in an underground city, distant and afraid of the surface, especially of humans. Molly, her older brother Connie and their friend Radz, kept this idea of ​​fearing the surface until they found two human teenagers and members of a musical band and they became friends. From there, they love to collect and search for 'Surfies' objects and dream of seeing the surface one day. #kuukuuharajuku #kuukuuharajukufanart #myart #myartwork #digitalart #illustration #artistsoninstagram #art #fanart #characterart #characterdesign #characterredesign #characterreference #cartoon #redesign
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I took a short break from redesigns to design alternative casual outfits for HJ5. I tried to reflect their personalities in the AU as much as I could. This was really fun, I missed drawing my girlies too much. 💖💖 #kuukuuharajuku #kuukuuharajukufanart #hj5 #myart #myartwork #digitalart #illustration #fanart #characterart #outfitdesign #artistsoninstagram #art #fanart #cartoon #characterdesign
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