PLAY Audio Agency


Harness the Power of Sound
Our office for the day! Excited to be tracking live horns for an upcoming project at @candyland_recording_studio #brandmusic #audiobranding #recording #recordingstudio #horns
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Joining the conversation at the #CincyAI meetup with Helen Todd. @creativitysquaredpodcast @helenstravels
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🔊Let's talk about a game-changer for your brand: Audio Branding! 🔊 Audio branding is the strategic use of sound elements to create a memorable and cohesive brand identity. Just like visual branding, audio branding leaves a lasting impression on your audience, evoking emotions and reinforcing brand recognition. 🎵Need some high-profile examples? Think about the iconic sound of the Intel jingle, the comforting voice of Siri, or the catchy "I'm lovin' it" tune from McDonald's. These brands have mastered the art of audio branding, embedding their unique sonic identity into our collective consciousness.🎵 But why invest in audio branding, you ask? Well, it's simple: ROI! Studies show that audio branding can significantly enhance brand recall, customer engagement, and loyalty. Plus, in today's cluttered digital landscape, standing out with a memorable sound is more important than ever. So, if you're ready to take your brand to the next level, let's chat about how audio branding can amplify your marketing efforts and leave a lasting impact on your audience. 🚀 hashtag#AudioBranding hashtag#BrandIdentity hashtag#MarketingStrategy hashtag#ROI hashtag#ElevateYourBrand 🎶
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In a world saturated with visual stimuli, audio branding offers a distinct avenue to captivate audiences and forge lasting connections. Here's why it's indispensable: 🌐 Multi-Touchpoint Impact: From commercials to podcasts, from website interactions to phone notifications, audio branding permeates every facet of consumer interaction, ensuring a cohesive brand experience. 🎭 Emotional Resonance: Harnessing the profound connection between sound and emotion, audio branding has the power to evoke nostalgia, excitement, trust, and other sentiments that drive purchasing behavior. 📈 ROI Amplification: Statistics reveal its tangible impact – brands investing in consistent audio branding witness an average revenue increase of 23%, highlighting its pivotal role in driving ROI. (Source: McKinsey & Company) Ready to orchestrate your brand's sonic identity for maximum impact? Let's compose a strategy that resonates with your audience's hearts and minds. 🎧 #AudioBranding #BrandIdentity #EmotionalMarketing #ROI #MarketingStrategy #BrandExperience #SonicIdentity
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🔊 Elevate Your Marketing Strategy with Audio Advertising! 🔊 In today's fast-paced digital landscape, audio advertising is not just an option, but a necessity for brands striving to stay ahead. 🚀 Why is it crucial? 🎯 📈 Expansive Reach: With a staggering 212 million monthly listeners in the US alone, audio platforms wield unmatched potential to amplify your brand's message. (Source: Statista) 💡 Engagement & Impact: Research indicates that 85% of listeners find audio ads attention-grabbing, effectively driving brand awareness and product consideration. (Source: Edison Research) 💰 Optimized ROI: Savvy marketers are embracing audio advertising for its superior return on investment, with 65% reporting it as more cost-effective than traditional mediums. (Source: eMarketer) Turn up the volume on your brand reach! Contact us for a free strategy session to help your brand harness the power of sound. #audioadvertising #digitalaudio #radioadvertising #streaming #audiobranding #powerofsound
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Podcast Quick Facts: 1. Podcasts are projected to reach 504.9 million listeners in 20204. 2. The average listener spends a whopping 7 hours per week on their favorite podcast app. 3. Episodes between 20-40 minutes are most popular, catering to busy schedules and short attention spans. 4. Podcast consumption is inclusive across genders, with women slightly outnumbering men at 48% compared to 43%. 5. The emergence of video podcasts adds a new layer to the realm of audio storytelling, signaling a rising trend. 6. Spotify and Apple Podcasts lead the global audio market. 7. Peak listening time is in the morning using mobile devices. Branded podcasts connect you to a huge, captivated audience and build trust and loyalty faster than almost any other form of digital media. If you're looking to connect with your target audience and grow a loyal following, podcasts might be the audio storytelling platform you are looking for. Contact us to learn more about branded podcasts and harnessing the power of sound. #podcast #brandedpodcast #audio #audiostorytelling #audiomarketing #powerofsound
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Forces align as part of the Brave New World. Feat. animation by Polymath. Music & sound design by PLAY Audio Agency Produced on Avid Pro Tools. #branding #powerofsound #branding #advertising
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Did you know the limbic system, the part of the brain that controls human behavior, is extremely sensitive to sound, memory, and emotion? Sound impacts our fundamental belief system and is one of the strongest ways of triggering an emotional response in your target audience. When used in marketing, sound can influence purchase behavior, drive recall, and build loyalty more so than any of the other human senses. It’s neuroscience! Contact us today to harness the power of sound for your brand. #neuroscience #marketing #branding #audiobranding #audioadvertising #music #sound
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Attention marketers… Looking to make a huge impact on your brand’s awareness and drive sales? Then turn the volume up on the sound of your brand! Sound has been proven to boost memorability and recall, influence purchasing behavior, and build lasting belief in your brand. It’s not rocket science, it’s neuroscience! Click the link in our bio to book a free strategy session for all things sound. From a full scale audio branding catalog to performance marketing and advertising the soundtrack to your success begins by pressing PLAY! #AudioBranding #SonicBranding #AudioAdvertising #PerformanceMarketing #CampaignMarketing #Sound #Music #BrandMusic #BrandedPodcasts #PowerOfSound
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Research suggests there are 13 different human emotions associated with sound. For brands, this means you can create an emotional response in your consumer that aligns with how you want your brand to be received. If you’re not incorporating sound and music into your marketing strategy, you’re missing out on creating a major impact with the people who matter the most. What’s the sound of your brand? #AudioBranding #AudioAdvertising #Music #Brands #Emotions #ConsumerBehavior #PowerOfSound
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A whopping 55 million Americans will be traveling for the Thanksgiving holiday and more than 87% of them will be listening to streaming audio or podcasts! Contact PLAY Audio Agency to harness the power of sound this holiday season and make sure your brand is heard as well as seen. #Audio #AudioBranding #Holidays #Travel #StreamingAudio #Podcasts
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Did you know brands that include sonic cues in their marketing pyramid are 96% more likely to be recalled than brands who don't? Turn up the volume on your brand’s marketing strategy! Contact us today to harness the power of sound. #AudioBranding #AudioAdvertising #AudioPost #Music #Podcast #Marketing
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