
A seaside garden story
A stroll along a border in the evening light. With sounds of birds and beach life. Stay awhile, welcome sunshine. #eveninglight #sunset #garden #coastalgarden #gardendesign #clippedform
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Here come the yellows: verbascum, sisyrinchium, phlomis russeliana and helichrysum (and a welcome splash of blue to go with them). All great self seeders; I’ve just come in from a little relocation as they always naturally favour a crack in the middle of a path, tucked underneath a bush or in the middle of a clump of iris. #colourinthegarden #selfseeders #startingtofeellikesummer #garden #gardendesign #coastalgarden
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Wild asparagus, seeds all over the plant…..so this is how it spreads. And spreads. A lot of things blow in and/or self seed in my garden - most I’m delighted to welcome in (with a little editing) - aquilegia, euphorbia (myriad varieties and crosses), poppies, fennel, verbena…. But some start off lulling me into a false sense of security before wanting to take over and not taking the hint about it being time to go. I’m talking about you wild chamomile, and you pennywort, evening primrose and mallow. The jury is out on wild asparagus. I ate my first spears this year. Tasty (all the more so for being a. From the garden and b. Free!) but they are seeding everywhere. Seem easy to pull out though so I’m holding fire for now. #whatisaweed #foraging #selfseeders #wildasparagus #coastalgarden #garden #foodforfree #growyourown
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Almost too pretty to deadhead …. And the excellent news is that it doesnt need to be, as a non seed-setting sterile hybrid. 😊 #geum #winwin #garden #flower
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I love these bursts of drama (chosen 3 years ago from the striking @iriscayeux display at the Chelsea Flower show). And which cultivars, you may well ask? When will I ever learn - label when you plant #canyouteachanolddognewtricks ? #iris #garden #flower
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A fresh green and typically blustery homecoming from the Chelsea flower show. I enjoyed talking to @archiplants about their recommendations for coastal survivors. We’re talking real toughies!! #whitehorses #coastalgardens #rhschelseaflowershow #architecturalplants #gravelgarden #gardens #gardendesign
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Looking good Burgon & Ball. Wishing you a week full of lovely customers. #burgonandball #greatgardentools #sheffield #rhschelseaflowershow
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Glorious colour! In the freshly royally visited Octavia Hill garden by the inspirational designer that is @ann_mariepowell @rhschelsea . Literally buzzing with bees and bursting with joy. #rhschelsea #gardendesign #wildlifegarden #garden
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Such a striking garden of water and tranquility and calmness The eco-therapy balcony garden @rhschelsea by @tombannisterstudio . Breathtaking and stopped me in my tracks. #rhschelseaflowershow #healinggardens #gardendesign #teenytinygardens #garden
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Here comes new colour - iris and aquilegia, phlomis, helichrysum and geum. These are some of the stars of the garden, following euphorbias of all kinds and cross breeds, plants that really want to be here. They seem to love the enormous amount of light and the freely draining soil (there is gravel under the whole garden) and they seem not to mind the wind and salt. Lucky Shore Cottage. #selfseeders #garden #coastalgarden #colourinthegarden #gardendesign
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