Tony Robbins


📈International Business Strategist 📚New York Times Bestselling Author 🏆Peak Performance Coach ⬇️ Events | Podcast | Links
Every moment of our lives, whether we realize it or not, we’re answering these three questions – and if we’re not careful, they take control of us. ⚠️ 👁️🤔
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I am not exactly someone who has idols, except for one and that is Tony Robbins. I grew up reading his books and making his morning routine my morning routine. His passion to help people is something I can really relate to because that’s always been my goal. That’s the reason I went to medical school. Very quickly, I learned that our traditional medical system is flawed. In order to see change you have to be the change. I carved my own path and I started healing people through regenerative medicine. People started feeling better. They saw an alternative to drugs and painkillers. They felt seen. My circle expanded abruptly. I started seeing patients from all over the world, including THE Tony Robbins, who I continue to learn from but now also have the privilege of treating. Thank you for the kind words Tony and joining on as an Eterna ambassador. #eternahealth #eterna #drakhan #tonyrobbins
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Most people feel like they’re being pulled in a million different directions, stressed and overwhelmed by life. 😓 I felt the same way once. We live in a world that’s always competing for our time and energy. Meetings, projects, Slacks, emails, texts, workouts, our kids’ activities, homework, social events, date nights, errands, budgeting, finances… 📨⏰📳🗃 The reality is, most people are just making a living. They’re not designing their lives. 🎨🖼️✨ That’s why I developed a special planning method called The Rapid Planning Method (RPM). It’s allowed me to experience everything life has to offer and fulfill some of my biggest goals, like providing 1 billion meals. 🏆🎯❤️‍🔥 I’m excited to share the latest edition of my newsletter, “The One Thing,” featuring this transformative tool from my life. Also, for the first time in 20 years, I’m hosting an exclusive event dedicated to this very subject. Join us from July 19-21, 2024, for an unforgettable experience designed to help you master your time and design your life. 📅🔥 👉 Click the link in bio for more information about my upcoming RPM event and to read the full newsletter. 🌟
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Happy Fathers Day Tony Robbins! 😊 Thank you for the gift of your presence and the power of your fatherly light in our home and hearts (And so many others’ homes and hearts, too! You’re a father to many!) We’re celebrating ALL the fathers, brothers, mentors, uncles, papas, teachers, coaches, friends and father figures — we are blessed by your existence. Thank you for being you! WE LOVE YOU. ❤️
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HUNGER will DRIVE YOU through your challenges, setbacks, and fears. All over the world the most successful people are the ones who have a CONSISTENT, INSATIABLE HUNGER — one that NEVER goes away. They will NEVER SETTLE for less than they can BE, DO, SHARE, CREATE, or GIVE. 💯 Today we kicked off The Game Has Changed Virtual Event. This 3-day live event is designed to help you adapt and thrive in these changing times, show you how to seize incredible opportunities, and share strategies to help you achieve lasting success. If you’re ready to unlock your fullest potential, do work that you absolutely love, and find deep purpose in every step you take — it’s not too late to join us! ❤️‍🔥🙌 Click the link in my bio to watch the replay of Day 1 — it’s free and available to ALL! Were you with us in the virtual room today? Drop a comment and share your biggest takeaway so far!👇💬
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Our past does not equal our future… unless we live there. #flashbackfriday
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All you have to do is take a look around and see how dramatically the world has changed. While this transformation has opened up incredible opportunities, it’s also brought a lot of fear and uncertainty. That’s why on June 13-15th, I’m thrilled to host a live virtual event with my dear friend and brother, Dean Graziosi, called The Game Has Changed. The game truly has changed... and I’ve seen firsthand how those who adapt and evolve with the times can seize these opportunities, create success, and live into their full potential. Join us for 3 powerful days, just 2 hours each day, where we’ll help you unlock your full potential, do work you love, and find deep purpose in what you do. ➡️ There’s absolutely no charge to attend. Secure your spot by clicking the link in my bio.
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My teacher Jim Rohn used to say, “Here’s the big challenge in life: You can have more than you’ve got BECAUSE you can become more than you are. And the other side of that coin reads: UNLESS you change how you are, you’ll always have what you’ve got.” - Jim Rohn To me that means you’ve got to invest in yourself or no one else will. Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start getting excited about what could go right. Thank you, Kara Goldin, for having us on your podcast! It was a pleasure to discuss personal development, business growth, and the impact of AI on it all. Check out @karagoldin to listen to the full episode — you’ll also be the first to hear about our upcoming Mastermind live event, The Game Has Changed!
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Happiness is an inside job.🧠 Our brain is millions of years old and it wasn’t designed to make us happy, it was designed to keep us alive. Our brain used to help us survive saber-tooth tigers, but now (without the tigers, thank goodness) those survival fears have been replaced by modern day fears, worries, and anxiety like what will other people think of us, or whether we’ll have enough money at the end of the month.😖 🐅 To navigate moments of suffering and negative emotion, we developed a tool called the 90-second rule. ⏱️ This practice allows us to feel the fullness of self-pity, fear, anger, worry — whatever it is for you — for a minute and a half. AND THEN… We shift our focus, relax and release those feelings, accept that we can’t change what happened in the past and we DECIDE to move forward able to appreciate the present and take responsibility for our lives right now (that’s what response-able means).⏳➡️🌟 By digging deep, we discover that stress and suffering only exist when we hold on to a stressful thought. 🤔💭 At first, this may seem challenging, but like any muscle, it strengthens with repetition. Over time, catching ourselves when we’re in those states of negative emotion becomes easier to recognize and shift the pattern. 💪 💫 Have you tried the 90-second rule? How’s it going? ❤️
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ENTREPRENEURS and BUSINESS OWNERS🚨 We all have our sights set on the goal, but let’s face it, things don’t always unfold exactly as we plan! If we truly want to achieve our goals of any kind, we have to commit to making progress and taking action no matter the obstacle(s) we face! ➡️🚧 No one knows this fact of life better than my friend @joegebs … Joe Gebbia’s journey of creating @airbnb was certainly not a straight line. During our discussion at my Business Mastery seminar he shared his origin story and it’s a testament to the power of perseveranc — watch and see why every rejection served as an invitation to persist. 🥊💪🔥 This conversation is a MUST-WATCH for all entrepreneurs! Tap the link in bio for the FULL podcast episode. 🎧🎙️
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We GROW so we have more to GIVE. 🌱✨ Do something today to take your life to the next level. 💥 📲 Check out our stories for these quotes as phone wallpapers!
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Earlier this month, I had the privilege of meeting with my Inner Circle community for a personal coaching session. We focused on the Power of Perspective and learning how our focus shapes our experiences. 👁️🪞 REMEMBER: None of us experience life. We experience the life WE FOCUS ON. Whatever we focus on controls our perspective. 🧸We all start life with an ego-centric focus because we’re babies and that’s our survival instinct to help keep us safe and alive. But as we grow, we can’t continue living a life focused solely on ourselves. It’s a guaranteed fast path to an unfulfilling life. When we choose empathy, connection, and consideration over judgment, incredible transformations happen — not just in our own lives but in the lives of those around us. THANK YOU to everyone who joined us for this month’s INNER CIRCLE coaching session. It’s truly a gift to spend time with a community of people who are so DRIVEN, COMMITTED, and LOVING. ❤️🤟👍
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