6 일 전
“Grrr and Brrr… Up and Attem… Frankie and Johnnie…”? In 1927, The Chicagoan magazine received "a deluge of correspondence" when they asked readers to suggest names for the Art Institute lions. Suggestions included "Pitter and Patter" and "Hans and Fritz" among others. The tongue-in-cheek contest ignored, perhaps willfully, that our beloved lions were already named by their sculptor, Edward Kemeys. The lion on the north pedestal is “on the prowl,” the south lion “in an attitude of defiance.” 🦁
Lion McLionface
6 일 전
That’s amazing. Was Michigan Avenue farther away from the entrance in 1927?
6 일 전
Those names roll right off the tongue 😅
6 일 전
Love that museum! I look forward to revisiting.
6 일 전
Love that museum so much. Visited it many times when I lived there. The lions are magnificent.
6 일 전
5 일 전
Awesome image in time!!
5 일 전
“On the prowl” and “In an attitude of defense” are probably surnames.
5 일 전
4 일 전
“Stinky” & “Onion” 👏
3 일 전