1 년 전
New month. Again. It happens every four weeks, about. Old shirt, it doesn’t fit. It happens more often than not, so I wear them in goofy shoots. Last year this month I was miserable. But today, right now, I’m really happy, and I wanted to share that. My family is far away but I’m closer to family I have chosen. It’s all a balance. A year ago I made the resolution of getting away from a bad job situation. Life’s definitely not perfect now and working remotely with unstable Internet connection is proving challenging, but it’s forcing me to learn and in many ways I’m happier. You know how you can’t help but smile sometimes? Even when the world is gloomy and dangerous and scary, I find reasons to smile right now. Maybe you feel like I do sometimes, held hostage by fear. Feelings and thoughts are not actual predators, they’re not animals, they’re not *real*. That’s where our anxiety technically comes from, evolution. Isn’t it weird? We like to think we’re all fancy, but even now if you’re on my page for t1ddies, there’s something primal about it, and about all the taboos that surround carnal pleasures. Food for thought. Patrons, and followers, enjoy this month. To make it easier I’ll be dropping content both here (follow me on Twitter too, same handle, a little sp1cier platform) and in my Patron, link in my bio. 😉 I’m thinking autumnal vibes for this month, except for some pool days. Mars retrograde in Gemini until January, so even if we’re scr3wed, we have each other. Happy November! 🍂♥️ So if you want to love me then, darling, don’t refrain.
Lets build a life together 💕
1 년 전
1 년 전
Very good 👌
1 년 전
Let me DM u baby?😂
1 년 전
11 개월 전
7 개월 전
Beijo gostosa 😘
10 일 전