1 개월 전
Hey all. Just as an update. This year had been pretty hard on me. I had many ups and downs, and I recently went through a tough breakup. But I’m doing my absolute best to push myself forward for you guys. I promise I’ll do some really big things for you all and I really want to grow the community you guys deserve to be in. So expect big things. Thank you. I’ll see you tonight on an Instagram livestream at 7pm. Be there or be square BTW I TURN 20 TOMORROW AHHHH - - - - #lighters #brunomars #lighterscover #singing #singer #musician #singersongwriter #thevoice #brunomarscover @brunomars
Happy birthday cutie
1 개월 전
that is so beautiful song
1 개월 전
and your voice sounds beautiful too when you sing
1 개월 전
I'm 20 also ur cute
1 개월 전
Happy birthday Tanner🥳❤️
1 개월 전
Happy early birthday
1 개월 전
Sorry you’re going through all that. You are amazing Tanner! Wonderful vocals as usual. @musicbytanner
29 일 전
You Are Looking Like Justin Beiber (19) a little bit
23 일 전
Can you do Niall horan cross your mind
15 일 전
5 일 전