1 개월 전
POV: Most often it is not the workouts that gets us out of bed in the morning. It is the friendship and unspoken bonds of those counting on us to show up! #youshowedup #nowshowup #burnbootcamp #community #camp #lakenorman
Love this 😍
1 개월 전
Looove this!!!!!!
1 개월 전
1 개월 전
@quepasakt kinda like how you jumped in line with em and we stood in the rain for an hour? 😂😂😘😘
1 개월 전
This is so cute 💙💙
1 개월 전
So cute!! Love this!!
1 개월 전
I love this 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
1 개월 전
This is so cute!!!!!
1 개월 전