Pixwox amore.tto게시물

Alice Moretto


Communication design and research 🔎 At @alcova.milano @studiovedet
팔로 잉
confetti entomology 🔎 forensics 🔎 harvested in Venice 🧤 ma did you know che unused ballot papers (schede elettorali) turn into confetti? 🗳 expired food packaging as well 🎫 newspapers too 🤹🏻‍♀️ 60x80cm print available vediamo se riesco a spedirli anche in Italia senza farli diventare costosi sennò venite a trovarmi ad Eindhoven dai
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1 년 전
Stills and spoilers from Pretty useless, a short film documenting confetti‘s unpredictable trajectories, and tiny events 👀 A special thanks to @metahaven for all the mentoring, chats on entropy, voice-finding exercises🌪 Soon to be screened at @dutchdesignweek Grazie @francescodallolmo for the equipment 🎥
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9 개월 전
In the past year I’ve been researching on confetti 🔎 chaos, disorder, dirt, the act of throwing away. It feels good 📖 collects what I’ve thought, written, photographed and picked-up from the street 🧤 BIG thanks to all contributors, editors, mentors @nadineb0tha @formafantasma @metahaven @wardgoes @giudittavendrame @somsiadus @karnaval_coriandoli
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9 개월 전
Fiesta 333 (formerly known as Spring Together) RETURNS ON 4 JULY AND WE HAVE CAKESSSSSS! the unofficial closing of the academic year @designacademyeindhoven event returns for the third year in succession. It is a festive gathering of staff members, workshop instructors, tutors and students for one last time before the summer break! Thursday 4 July 17:30 - 20:30 Lictplein behind the DAE building Along with student initiatives @cakethingzzz and @elerator.radio , there will be free cakes to be decorated, and music of course. Please make sure to sign up in your DAE email as there is limited capacity. We can’t wait to see you all on this special occasion! beautiful graphic design by @amore.tto
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6 일 전
When researching on the history of menstrual cups and having fun with 3d modelling 👀 Shapes inspired by a conversation I had with @willravn (co-founder of @allmatters )
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27 일 전
When sharing 6sqm in Hong Kong and having nothing else to photograph than each other. @valentinklauss
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1 개월 전
Thank you @designmuseumgent for hosting Pretty Useless and inviting me for a cozy lecture at @kunsthalgent 🫂 Many thanks to the best team @isalineraes @evelienbracke @olivier_vandh @019ghent And to @michieldecleene @valentinklauss for capturing images
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3 개월 전
A taste of what I’ll be discussing this Thursday at 8pm at @kunsthalgent (you can register for free via link in bio) 🔎 I’ll expand my take on the practice of throwing, tossing, discarding... through confetti. The cutest kind of waste I’ve ever encountered. 🥺 Hope to see you there! IMG 1: Les confetti, le carnaval a Milan, M. Lax and M. Oswald Levens, engraving detail. IMG 2: Throwaway living (1955) LIFE Magazine + all images in between: confetti through history
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3 개월 전
Some discarded spooky broken zombie type designed for @petefung and @nadineb0tha
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4 개월 전
About the cartographic madness we researched on last year 🔎🧩 Baarle Nassau (Netherlands) and Baarle Hertog (Belgium) are two intertwined 🫂 municipalities that make up 29 distinct enclaves and exclaves. A territory torn in between nations, cultural identities, contrasting policies, and economic interests. A case study that exacerbates the frictions typically created by national borders but also a peculiar example of successful conviviality, urged by the very geopolitical configuration of the two municipalities. ✍️We asked citizens of both Hertog and Nassau to draw a map of the two towns by heart. The two mayors, the woman that lives in a home split by the national borders and has therefore a double nationality, the chairman of Baarle's tourist agency, all drew their version of Baarle’s geography. The results are the covers of the eight small publications we designed, containing interviews, photos, maps 🗺 thanks @rndr.studio
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7 개월 전
Just stumbled upon oracle-like Google-lens-generated poems on climate crisis, art production, years we have left… There are extra summers every year There are more than a thousand years I have 8 years old There are many years left For the rest of the year there will be summer Art is available year after year There is excess every year I have 8 years old There is nothing left
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7 개월 전