Brian “Coach B” Melancon


1 Corinthians 6:20 (C620) 🟢15 Years transforming highly driven athletes and professionals into their true potential. ⬇️Transformation Link⬇️
팔로 잉
*insert whip noise* . . @___miss.carter___ package for the 2018 USAs, couldn’t be more pleased. . . . #teamc620 #c620certified #c620nutrition #bikini #builtlikeastallion
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5 년 전
Tbt to me and The Mayors (@fatboyhongry ) last prep. One my favorite looks of his thus far. . . Tag @c620nutrition in your transformation pic today!
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4 년 전
The first attribute of love is that it is patient. . . So many people say they love the sport but fail to see the importance of process and patience. . . Hali is a long time client and a dear friend to me. Lots of people look at her transformation since we started working together and use her as a bench mark of what they want to accomplish. . . What they don’t see is an improvement YEAR between each prep. What they don’t see are the struggles. What they don’t see is the PROCESS. . . If you love competing OR just the journey of self improvement, I encourage you to be patient. . . The results WILL come, just keep plugging away, one day at a time. . . In the end, that’s all any of us can do, our best with the day that in front of us. . . Side note - We love you, thanks for taking the time to read, like and comment! . . #bodybuilding #transformationtuesday #fitness #shredded #onlinecoach #contestprep #fitnesstransformation #fit #muscle #gym #smile #faith #c620supps
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4 년 전
Your 2024 NPC Louisiana Open Championships Open OVERALL Classic Physique champ Justin Schwing
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29 일 전
FIRST TIME competitor Bryan Naquin caught Covid the day before the LA State Show, so we had to pull him. . Thanks to Ivermectin 🤫 Poppa B is feeling better and we back at it for @dusty_hayman1981 and @ifbbpro_jessicahayman @npcsouthcentralusa Show. . 4 Weeks Out
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1 개월 전
NOVICE OVERALL BODYBUILDING @nick_doucet21 . So proud of my friend and client Nick. I think he caught the bodybuilding bug now :) . Seeing the next generation of bodybuilders come up is one of my favorite things about coaching. Not many people are drawn to the work that is involved in competing. But for those masochist who are, it’s always a bright future. :) . 4 weeks out from South Central with his sister @katherinedoucet !
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1 개월 전
Goal was to become Mr. Louisiana Classic Physique 2024. . Mission accomplished. . Congrats to friend and client @mr_really_sensored for a job well done. . Thank you for your trust. Means more to me than you know. . Now we grow, and prepare for the end goal of going to nationals in the next couple years. . #c620nutrition #teamc620 #overall
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1 개월 전
3 days out for @mr_really_sensored vs the end our improvement/ growth phase. . La State Show is going to have some amazing competition this year. And that’s what we want, to compete, no true athlete wants to win by default from lack of competition. . Competing is the fun part, but no matter who shows up it’s ultimately YOU vs YOU. That’s the JOY of bodybuilding, self improvement. . #c620nutrition #teamc620 #contestprep #npc #npclouisiana
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1 개월 전
I’m a mess, but what I’m relearning….. if we are honest, life is hard, business is hard, relationships are hard, sitting alone with your thoughts are hard, saying IM THE PROBLEM IS HARD. . Doing hard things is ….. hard. . So often we avoid the hard and substitute cheap distractions that leave us more empty than before. . For me, when I’m in a hard season and sad, attention from women is my escape. Through THERAPY and COUNSELING and being VULNERABLE with people I trust, I’ve learned that I crave that affection because it makes me feel valuable. It makes me feel seen and worthy. It soothes that unhealed part of my heart from my dad leaving. I saw my dad cheat on my mom, and from that point forward as a kid, I developed this mindset that I’d never be good enough for someone to love FOREVER. So the walls came up and my behavior modified into protection mode for the last 20 years. But the void I’m craving to fill is a GOD SHAPED VOID, a God shaped PUZZLE PIECE. When I’m close to God, I’m not distracted by the attention. . When I’m missing my quiet time, focusing only on work, and not walking out my faith, I’m a looking for anything to distract me from facing my deep rooted issues. Some of you, it’s Instagram that has become your numbing agent of choice, others it’s money, alcohol you name it (and you know what you run to to avoid discomfort) . So all that being said, whether you realize it or not, we are designed for deep relationship with God. We are not cosmic dust here on accident. You were created for such a time as this. You and I were created to be fully satisfied in relationship with Jesus, and when we arn’t we stray. It’s in our nature, it’s in MY nature. But our nature and proclivities were never meant to define our destiny. Fill the God shaped Puzzle Piece, with God. It’s the only thing that actually satisfies the longing of our hearts.
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1 개월 전
👀 Seeing my online clients in the gym frequently KINDA gives me the itch to take on some in person sessions again on a consistent basis. . Maybe. . Ps. Only posting this pic because I look kinda juicy. 🤷🏼‍♂️
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2 개월 전
30 weeks of progress/ development for natural client @sarahfitness ! . If you have been around this sport for any amount of time you know putting on tissue for a female is a long process. It’s longer if they are natural, and longer if they are over 40. . I am so proud of Sarah. Her drive and consistency is what coaches dream of. . For all of you out there that want to see real results. Hire a coach with a good track record. Follow the plan as closely as you can. Trust the process. Be patient. Watch it come together. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it. . #c620nutrition
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2 개월 전
Legs can be tough to grow. . Focus on creating a training stimulus that exceeds your previous session, but does not exceed the volume in stimulus that you can recover from . . Eat a lot. . Don’t be afraid of putting on a little body fat . . Rinse, wash repeat . . #c620nutrition
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2 개월 전