Flying Cloud


Gardens & stonework. Fan of bike racing, Biathlon, Hockey. Reality Gardening Instagram microblogger
팔로 잉
When I made a lamb stew in the spring, I planted the cut-off tops of market carrots in the border to help the butterflies. The foliage was great. Yesterday, when I was preparing the border for fall, I pulled up these fat fellows. Very fragrant! Interplanting perennials, herbs & some veggies is a great way to use available space.
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9 개월 전
Lion hunting at Cloud Cottage. I use the border spade. The dandelion prong is more likely to snap the taproot, from which a new one will grow.
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1 년 전
Now flowering: Chocolate Chip
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1 년 전
Virginia Bluebells under the great oak, thriving in dry soil with carex pensylvanica, which is found naturally under oaks on south-facing slopes. It has to be topped with the weed whacker about the time the bluebells are done. Carex will lodge if it isn’t cut back a little. A delicate operation because of the martagon lilies growing there.
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1 년 전
Same ajuga Chocolate Chip, not doing much in the way of flowering yet. Soon, no doubt. This path is in shade all morning, so that might explain the difference.
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1 년 전
Ajuga Chocolate Chip in full bloom in one part of the garden. Don’t know why it’s so far ahead of other plantings.
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1 년 전
Birds nested in a cherry, crape & Japanese maple this past summer. It’s winter now at Cloud Cottage, but soon it’ll be baby bird time again.
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1 년 전
An unusually warm fall giving way to more seasonable cold weather. May be last gasp for the garden flowers. No more tender heliotrope, impatiens & sweet alyssum. Last roses from ‘Heritage’ & ‘Wollerton Old Hall.’ Digging corms to divide crocosmia ‘Lucifer’ for more prolific flowering next year. Camellia’Winter Star,’ planted earlier this year, still has many more buds on it. Coming - photos of the off-season drabs & what the garden catalogues don’t tell you.
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1 년 전
A teensy-weensy hummingbird stopping for a fill-up on its long migration to South America. I keep the feeders through October, even later if weather is good. This year’s crop of young-uns are typically the last to migrate, so feeders are essential for them.
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1 년 전
Meet Jeana! Tiny petals, bright lavender-pink, fragrant. This girl has been flowering all summer & I’m only now beginning to dead-head (which isn’t easy because she’s short & I’m tall). A fairly new variety of phlox, stateside. Helps to hide the brown knees of the New England asters.
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1 년 전
Tall phlox John Fanick with daylily Swirling Water (which is a deeper purple than it looks there). JF is floriferous & uncomplaining. Also fragrant. The black line in the photo is the wrought iron pole for the hummingbird feeder. I thought the birds would be drawn to the phlox, but they only wanted the sugar water. Lazy, aren’t they. 😂
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A (very) tall phlox the colour of bubblegum. This volunteer came from the mighty David, which is pure white. Surprise!
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