

On iNaturalist, you can share your observations of wild organisms, get ID help, and make your findings available for researchers! Free & nonprofit.
팔로 잉
iNatter kavurtdagli photographed this pair of Eastern Steppe Festoon #butterflies (Zerynthia deyrollei, Step Fistosu in Turkish) in #Turkey and it's our #TwoferTuesday Observation of the Day! More details at: /observations/226573538 #nature #entomology #biodiversity
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5 시간 전
It's #MarineMonday and our Observation of the Day is this Flower #Urchin (Toxopneustes pileolus), seen in #Australia by leedownunder! More details at: /observations/226116191 #marinebio #nature #biodiversity
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1 일 전
Our Observation of the Day is this Iotaphora admirabilis emerald #moth (빗살무늬푸른자나방 in Korean), seen in South #Korea by hanhee! More details at: /observations/226168217 #nature #entomology #biodiversity
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2 일 전
Our Observation of the Day is this Sally Lightfoot #Crab (Grapsus grapsus, Zayapa in Spanish), seen in #Ecuador by jan35! More details at: /observations/225825671 #nature #carcinology #biodiversity
800 1
3 일 전
Our #FungusFriday Observation of the Day is this tiny orange #fungus (potentially in the genus Stilbella), seen in #Costa Rica by naomifungi! More details at: /observations/225647475 #mycology #nature #biodiversity
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4 일 전
iNat user cumaliyesil photographed quite a scene in #Turkey : a female Goblet-marked #Damselfly (Erythromma lindenii) with the abdomen of a male still attached to her body - it's our Observation of the Day! When mating, the male damselfly will use claspers at rear of his abdomen to hold the female behind the head, and she bends her abdomen around to pick up a sperm packet from his body. In some instances the male will continue to hold onto her when she oviposits (lays eggs). In this case, the male was perhaps predated on but only his thorax and head were taken, leaving his abdomen attached to the female. See /wiki/Damselfly#Reproduction More details at: /observations/225114852 #entomology #nature #biodiversity
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5 일 전
It's #WildflowerWednesday and our Observation of the Day is this Iris auranitica #plant , seen in #Syria by omaralhalabi! More details at: /observations/225182638 #botany #nature #plants #biodiversity
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6 일 전
In #SouthAfrica , a Rainbow #Skink (Trachylepis margaritifera) predates a Horned #Adder (Bitis caudalis) - it's our #TwoferTuesday Observation of the Day! Seen by andrewhart266. More details at: /observations/223365457 #reptiles #herpetology #nature #biodiversity
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7 일 전
Our #MarineMonday Observation of the Day is this red #algae (potentially Gloiocladia laciniata), seen in #Canada by ebleke! More details at: /observations/208380466 #marinebio #nature #biodiversity
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8 일 전
Our Observation of the Day is this Mandarinfish (Synchiropus splendidus), seen in #ThePhilippines by lukameyers! More details at: /observations/224546146 #fish #ichthyology #marinebio #biodiversity
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9 일 전
Our Observation of the Day is this freshwater #crab (potentially Sahyadriana thackerayi), seen in #India by sohamghorpade! More details at: /observations/223317235 #nature #carcinology #biodiversity
1,080 3
10 일 전
It's FungusFriday and our Observation of the Day is this trio of Phallus rubrovolvatus stinkhorn #mushrooms (アカダマキヌガサタケ in Japanese), seen in #Japan by alinehorikawa! Stinkhorns exude a foul smell which attracts animals like flies. These animals walk around the brown "gleba," or spore-filled substance, on the tip of the mushroom, and take the spores with them, spreading them to new areas. More details at: /observations/223280184 #fungi #biodiversity #mycology
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11 일 전