Fariza’s art dump


ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ @fariza_and_sparky - personal acc ⚘.curehead ⚘. I can’t draw but I try ⚘.
팔로 잉
I’m opening my commissions to raise money to help some people in Palestine, any form of support is highly appreciated! The link to the donations sites will be in my highlights but you can also dm me 🍉
48 5
1 개월 전
Some Madoka Magica stuff because I was bored . . . . . stinky tags: #puellamagimadokamagica #mamitomoe #sayakamiki #kyokosakura
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4 개월 전
Congrats on 1k @rosey_dahlia !! Here’s my entry for #rosey _dahlia1k :)
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3 개월 전
I drew my best friend Ashtyn and Killer Bean and I thought I would post it here to show that I’m still alivee, just haven’t been able to draw anything else I could post here in a bit due to art block and just being busy in general
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29 일 전
My drawing of Nina Thumbell for an art collab!! Since the caption is broken I’m tagging everyone else in the pinned comment, please check it out along with all its replies!!
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2 개월 전
Did this for funsies with a friend😈😈
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3 개월 전
my entry for #SkyAgentDTIYS by @sky_agent_jake !! :
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3 개월 전
Madoka drawings over the years me thinks, I have no idea what year each is from but drew the first slide like day before yesterday
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4 개월 전
Kinda sucks but am gonna post anyway . . . . . #puellamagimadokamagica #madokakaname #homuraakemi
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4 개월 전
Happy birthday @killerbeanguy !! you have been a professional bean to me through many double flushers. There aren’t enough words to describe you, you are never off mission and a very compassionate bean so I hope you enjoy this lame drawing I made for you :) now my estimated taxes are due soon…I like to stay on top of those things so I’ll help myself out of the door (ran out of word limit on twitter for this last bit 😾)
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4 개월 전
Sooo I drew a beansona?? 💀 . . . #killerbean #killerbeanforever
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5 개월 전
Merry Christmas!!
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6 개월 전