Ródiney Santiago


🦋𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐒𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐞 👽 🇧🇷zilian in 🇺🇸 Living in the Moment. If a Man is to Live, he Must be all Alive,Body,Soul,Mind,Heart & Spirit. 🌟 seed.
팔로 잉
Healing is learning
56 3
22 시간 전
My Crazy confuse thoughts and experience
2,242 168
6 일 전
155 8
20 일 전
Bom dia ☀️ ☕️
1,427 35
24 일 전
ERT - Emotional Release Therapy, is a hands on modality, that is a creative synthesis of specific bodywork and inner child work. Points on the body are ‘opened’ or activated, allowing trapped emotions that were held, because it was not safe, or they were not allowea, an opportunity to express. The body has hundreds of points/ doorways that have become ‘clogged’ over the years. With breath and opening, there is an invitation to the channels of the body to clear stagnant energy. When opened, memories can resurface, emotions can move, and we can learn to embrace the wounded parts of ourselves in order to be who we are meant to be; peaceful loving beings.
3 13
28 일 전
Lembrando da preciosa natureza do tempo e da importância de investi-lo em conexões significativas. Buscar a companhia daqueles que compreendem nosso silêncio e ressoam com nossa essência é um ato de valor inestimável. Ao nos cercarmos de indivíduos que estão em sintonia com nossa alma, nutrimos relacionamentos genuínos e enriquecedores. Por outro lado, a ilusão se dissipa quando reconhecemos a verdadeira essência das relações e priorizamos o tempo gasto com aqueles que nos elevam e nos conectam em um nível mais profundo. Que essa reflexão inspire a valorizar cada momento e cada conexão autêntica em sua jornada.
3 18
1 개월 전
Heal your traumas
3 28
1 개월 전
É sobre reconhecer a si mesmo .
3 51
1 개월 전
The power of your breath lies it’s in ability to bring you back to a sense of space, ease and equanimity that can transform your experience of life. It’s from that place that can see things clearly, make better decisions, listen to your intuition and really allow yourself to respond rather than react to everything going on, both internally and externally. Your experience of life and the world around us is a reflection of the state of your nervous system, a calm nervous system creates and perpetuates a calm existence. All it takes is a few simple breaths to bring you back to yourself and find that calm again. #breathwork #wellbeing #meditation
3 19
1 개월 전
This is a message for you and for me!
3 106
2 개월 전
Speaking to myself and to you !
3 223
2 개월 전