2 dagen geleden
Is your to-do list a mile long, but you’re still numbing out to Bridgerton while mindlessly doom-scrolling? You may be suffering from functional freeze, an emotional state that leaves you immobilized by inertia. Yes, you can get through the everyday tasks you need to look like you’re functioning, but you’re living in a dissociative state. Tap the link in our bio to read about this stress adaptation, and learn how to get unstuck.
Can’t help it.
2 dagen geleden
so good 👏
2 dagen geleden
Every damn day
2 dagen geleden
Being present but not there 🤕 I didn’t know it was a real thing until I added mood journaling to my night routine. Making inventories about your day, thoughts, interactions is a game changer. It’s so easy to freeze your way through life until you reflect and realize how much of ‘LIFE’ has passed you by and you weren’t even paying attention. Paying attention to your feelings helps Buzz buzz buzz 🐝 🐝🐝 Thank you for this thought provoking Word of the week ❗️🙌🏿
2 dagen geleden
This is exactly what is happening to me today. #justbreath #emotionalrollercoaster
2 dagen geleden
1 dag geleden
1 dag geleden
Pre-burnout phase
17 uur geleden
Very relatable👍
12 uur geleden