12 dagen geleden
What a wonderful and memorable moment to share the stage with our reigning Queen @andreaaguilerapa shortly after she left us with the most awe-inspiring words as our big sister. I'm also very grateful to now carry officially the name of my country, TRINIDAD & TOBAGO 🇹🇹 exactly where it belongs: on my heart ❤️ Thank you to K2K Alliance & Partners @k.k.norman for my Sashing Ceremony couture gown made in T&T. A very special THANK YOU to @halohairtt and my fellow queen sister @jevon.i.king for making sure that I am at my best when carrying our brand internationally. I must mention Shevon @enmodhairtt and Carlton @theepitomeofbeautybycarlton for investing time and training resources into my pageant preparation. I hope I'm doing you guys proud. To my Supra TT family at @crownsandsashestt - I am forever grateful to you for your love and support throughout this entire process. Know that I am deeply humbled to serve as your queen. @misssupranational @dr.brittanydeane #misssupranational #misssupranational2024 #nowysacz #malopolska #trinidadandtobago
12 dagen geleden
12 dagen geleden
12 dagen geleden
Radiant 🔥🔥🔥🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹
12 dagen geleden
Awwwww @dr.brittanydeane you are making me so emotional reading this … you are doing exceptional and yes I am very proud ❤️❤️❤️ now spread those wings and soar
12 dagen geleden