7 dagen geleden
Long before Instagram and TikTok, artists revolutionized the world through video. 📺 — [1] Alex Bag, Patterson Beckwith. “Cash from Chaos/Unicorns and Rainbows.” 1994-97. Gift of Jill and Peter Kraus. © 2024 Alex Bag and Patterson Beckwith [2] Shigeko Kubota in Piazza San Marco, Venice, 1972. © 2024 Estate of Shigeko Kubota. Courtesy the Shigeko Kubota Video Art Foundation [3] Frank Gillette, Ira Schneider. “Wipe Cycle.” 1969/2022. © 2024 Frank Gillette and Ira Schneider Artworks Company LLC. Acquired through the generosity of Maja Oeri. [4] Joan Jonas. “Left Side Right Side.” 1972. Purchase. © 2024 Joan Jonas. Courtesy Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI), New York [5] Richard Serra with Carlota Schoolman. “Television Delivers People.” 1973. Acquired through the generosity of Barbara Pine. © 2024 Richard Serra / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York [6] Harun Farocki, Andrei Ujică. “Videograms of a Revolution.” 1992. Given anonymously in honor of Anna Marie Shapiro. © 2024 Harun Farocki Filmproduktion [7] Dara Birnbaum. “Technology/Transformation: Wonder Woman.” 1978-79. Committee on Media Funds. © 2024 Dara Birnbaum. Courtesy Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI), New York [8] Nam June Paik. “Global Groove.” 1973. Gift of the John D. Rockefeller III Foundation. © 2024 Nam June Paik. Courtesy Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI), New York [9] Howardena Pindell. “Free, White and 21.” 1980. Gift of Jerry I. Speyer and Katherine G. Farley, Anna Marie and Robert F. Shapiro, and Marie-Josée and Henry R. Kravis. © 2024 Howardena Pindell. Courtesy of the artist and The Kitchen, New York [10] Sondra Perry. “Double Quadruple Etcetera Etcetera I & II.” 2013. Acquired through the generosity of Lonti Ebers, Sarah Arison, The Lumpkin-Boccuzzi Family Collection, and The Modern Women’s Fund. © 2024 Sondra Perry. Courtesy of the artist [11] Ian Cheng. “Emissary Forks at Perfection.” 2015-16. Fund for the Twenty-First Century. © 2024 Ian Cheng. Courtesy of the artist [12] Camille Henrot. “Grosse Fatigue” (excerpt). 2013. Fund for the Twenty-First Century. © 2024 ADAGP Camille Henrot. Courtesy the artist, Silex Films, and Kamel Mennour, Paris
Very interesting. 😍
6 dagen geleden
Subliminal messages on my tv are my favorite
6 dagen geleden
Ai is a waste of energy and eye sight
6 dagen geleden
This is awesome. 👏
6 dagen geleden
Expanded Cinema written by gene youngblood, read it...
5 dagen geleden
Man I sure miss Video Art. Skip Arnold, studying people like Diana Thater Douglas Gordon and even Rirkrit all day long. These were the people to learn from, they’re right it’s all on TIKTOK and nowadays lol it’s just “which McDonald’s burger is better than the next one” 🤯
4 dagen geleden
thanx! specially for youngsters so informative. modern art-history. grandmasters like #NamJunePaik and others
2 dagen geleden
Some good inspo for the only fear series lol
7 uur geleden