1 jaar geleden
Serving face, and trans joy. ⚧️ Hello! Im Ru. I use he /him and they/them pronouns. What about you? I’m transmasc and non-binary, and gender-fluid in my presentation. I love being feminine in many aspects but not female. I’ve always felt male brained. How gorgeous is that huh? To be who you are, and serve face in whatever creative way you feel. I rejoice time and time again in the LGBTQ+ community at how magical and colorful and different we all are. Like flowers. How goofy to think there’s only two genders ever only. Like listen, if that binary works for you; Yas, love that for you!! I appreciate you knowing yourself in that way. Just as I do and they do too. Put some respect to my name, and all my trans brothers, sisters, siblings, and queer fam. Thanks to all who put in effort in correcting your misgendering, for me or anyone. I see your effort and it matters, it goes a long way. Thank you for your love and support! For me and for them. Isn’t it GREAT to know someone trans or queer in your life? 👏🏼🫂🤗 To my trans and queer familia, muchos abrazos. One day at a time. Remember to rest and rejoice in whatever gives you life/fills your cup. 💖💓💗 #healthilyturningcommentsoff #answerthosequestionsoutloudlol #loveyall❤️ #thanksforrecievingthishealthydoseoftranonyourtimeline