2 jaar geleden
I’m so blessed to meet such wonderful people. The language of laughter is universal. What we share may be the greatest dopamine rush you’ll experience today and that makes my entire week! Im not a dom because I say I am. I am only because I have built a trust and someone willingly allows me to have that gift of dominance. **important**Don’t ask for any models info unless I post it please. ** They protect me like wildcats so Imma keep them safe when they ask. This community is wonderful, but we have to be respectful and safe. Thanks for laughing with me! ☀️ #tickling #bondage #feathers #laughteristhebestmedicine
Where are you going to use that feather?
2 jaar geleden
Uh oh😳😳😳😳
2 jaar geleden
1 jaar geleden
So many tickling spots 😍
1 jaar geleden
I'm wearing that right now 😂
1 jaar geleden