Dumb and Wise


ran by @samgolbach telling stories about a good life👇🏻
i truly have the best career in the world and i love my supporters more than anything, you all gave me the life i’m able to live. but i want to remind everyone we are still human. • tbh there’s been a lot of change recently — different friends, different videos, different relationships and different mental states. naturally with change comes criticism • i am navigating this life just like you are, i laugh and i cry just like you do, and negative comments affect me just like they do to you. but the point is much larger… • i’ve been seeing a lot of hate this year among fans, to each other, to colby and I, or to people that we care for. i wish i could put an end to all hate for everyone but i cant. so all i ask is think a little harder about the person on the other side of the screen before sending any hate their way ♥️ everyone has their own story. — love you all
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to my mom — i wish i had been better at expressing how grateful i am to have the best mom in the world. from having you front row at every single event/game i’ve ever had, to being my #1 fan in all my crazy career choices, you’ve always been there. • ask anyone i know, but i always say my favorite thing about kansas life is dinner with the family where something makes you laugh so hard ya can’t stop crying. i’ve laughed to tears more times with you than anyone in my life. • although i don’t get those experiences as much now, the next best thing is the cards you send me. i keep every single one and cherish it deeply. (one day ill be like you and send my kids cards too) • i realized we don’t take pictures 1:1 very often but looking for these brought back fun memories, love you and happy mother’s day ♥️
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my buddy nate sent me these and i am sitting here with my jaw dropped to the floor, it’s a list of things learned from a guy (@corymuscara )who sat with buddhists for 15 hours a day for 6 months. • my favorite is #8 and best is #30 🤣 which one do you like best?
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i’ve never been able to shake the fear of getting older, yet nothing bad has happened from age. in fact, life keeps getting better and better so far. • so i deeply hope you all don’t go through the anxiety i’ve put myself through to hit these “timelines” in my head. it has ruined countless happy memories of my life. tbh the future doesn’t even exist yet so let’s try not to worry about it too much ♥️ • love you all (someone knock some sense into me)
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my biggest mistake is searching for problems in life. i think it’s human nature but damn am i good at it. some of the most beautiful parts of life i can turn into negatives just by focusing on the wrong details. • in fact 90% of life’s problems are probably only problems because of a scenario you’re making up in your head. so do yourself a favor and don’t be like me. don’t get lost in the details. • life is beautiful. being human is beautiful. focus on the big picture because when you spend all your time trying to fix problems, you just get lost in the sauce. • trust me, you’re only gunna remember the big moments in the end — (some good big moments pictured above 🙏🏼)
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notice who makes you smile. and notice who makes you uneasy. these people have more impact on you than ya think • ya know that friend/group that just feels “easy” to hang out with? ya don’t have to prepare things to talk about or worry about things getting awkward? thats your intuition saying they are your PEOPLE. • at the end of the day who has time to impress people who aren’t building you up? if ya feel down everytime someone’s around, cut em out, if you feel judged, cut em out. life is too short for bullshit • you are who you spend time with, so if you wanna be happy, pay more attention to those who make you smile.
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i’m happy af rn but i learned something important. the last few months ive felt the most insecure of myself in years. almost like every morning i was making a mistake but i didn’t know what it was. • i figured out why… i accidentally put other people’s opinions of me first. i cared way too much about what others did, what they said, and their opinion of me. now don’t get me wrong, you should definitely listen to close friends, loved ones etc. but if you ever feel like their opinions matter more than yours, youll feel off balance. you know you best. i know me best. and at the end of the day, the only person who should determine your happiness is yourself. • recently my life has been about finding myself and my values, and i really hate feeling like im holding myself to standards of others. • would love to hear your thoughts 💭
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here’s to my dad — last weekend i was talking to a friend when they stopped me and said “wow i can really tell how much you respect your dad by how often you reference the stuff he has taught you.” it’s true, all my friends have said the same thing • point is, i just want to acknowledge my greatest mentor, mr. kirk golbach. i want you, as well as the world, to know how much you have changed my life. any person who has had more than a 30 minute conversation with me knows how much i value and respect you as a father. from early life lessons, to teaching colby and I about business, to helping navigate relationships, and even bringing me out of existential crisis, you have made me who i am. (very obvious for anyone who reads my emails that most of my life lessons come from you) • i often think about my goals after this whole youtube thing… but ultimately my number 1 goal is to try to be even 10% as good of a dad to my kids as you have been to me. • I know this is out of nowhere, but i wanted you to know truly how much i appreciate and look up to you. love you, let’s catch up soon. -Sam
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this feels weird to say but, to me, the biggest personality change between the beginning and end of last year is i’ve noticed i laugh more. i don’t take things as seriously. i don’t take myself as seriously. i’m way less quiet. in the past, i felt too stoic and now im noticing myself joking around or making a fool of myself all the time (not that i haven’t embarrassed myself TONS in the past) • i think i felt the need to be the person everyone thought i should be (lot of people called me the serious one, or even a “dad” figure). i felt the need to grow up fast. but this past year allowed me to be myself more. it really showed me how without knowing it, you can fall into something you aren’t because of expectations. • idk if you’ve ever felt the same way but i’m curious, if the people you surround yourself with didn’t have any prior expectations of you, would you act differently? 🤔
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here’s to the greatest year of my life. so much to be thankful for ♥️
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I ran my first marathon with 26 of my friends - personal youtube video out now! • although this marathon was the toughest thing i’ve done physically, it was the one thing this year that saved me mentally. then on top of it getting to run with friends all for charity made this whole thing so special 🙏🏼 • thank you for making this the greatest year of my life ♥️
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the past 6 months have been beyond amazing and it’s made me think a lot about the quote: “This Too Shall Pass” • this quote really helps the bad times and maybe hurts the good times. but it reminds me to cherish when things are good, cause it won’t always be that way. • my ask is next time you’re on cloud nine, look around a bit, soak it in, understand it’s not forever and THAT is what makes it so special. Much Love, -Sam
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