

Local music fiend. Wrestling enthusiast. Hardcore.
june was cool. started working at a new place on the first and already hate it a month later. so if you got any cool job leads let me know! made some new friends, watched some wrestling, posted up at shows which is all what i normally do but it was COOLER in june man. my friends, music, and wrestling truly keep me going i love you all thank you for being in my life. july is gonna be so sick hopefully it treats us all well. stay cool out there friends. okay siri, play Sympathy is a Knife by charli xcx. free palestine
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13 uur geleden
may was crazy. saw some of my favorite bands for the first time, moshed my heart out. getting more and more comfortable doing vocals in front of people as well, thank you to my friends for helping me. working at a new place soon and i’m nervous. excited for what gay month brings. happy pride! let’s hang out soon. so many sick ass shows happening soon! okay siri, play I Return as Chained and Bound to You by Thou
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1 maand geleden
april was cool as hell i can’t really complain. not much crazy stuff happened other than 420 fest (which was insane, so much fun thank you doctors for letting me do my thing with you). hopefully getting a new job in a few days that pays more and is closer to the house so that rocks. manifesting a band (money and music) for me ASAP. love this city, love my friends, and love hanging out with people. Free Palestine. may is gonna kick so much ass and so will i. if you read this thank you i love you🫰. okay siri, play High Demand by Future
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february/march brought the biggest change of my life. i finally made the jump to New Orleans, i’m an Uptown Soldier now. it’s been an incredible time, besides working in slidell. so if you got a good 8/9-5 available let me know before i lose my mind. excited to see what this new chapter brings me, hopefully finally getting a band together and screaming into a microphone. i also saw so much more wrestling and got to interact with some of my favorite wrestlers, was absolutely insane. we’re going 🦍 mode all year folks.
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January was a CRAZY month man. went to my first WWE live show and my first AEW show, both were fucking LEGENDARY. saw some of my favorite wrestlers of all time and still can’t believe it. I love pro wrestling so much. more live wrestling in february too i’m too excited. gotta move out my house by march so if you need a roommate let me know (preferably in NOLA)! excited to see what 2024 brings me, hopefully more blessing more fun more life and better situations! also, me and gypsy rose blanchard were in the same building dawg, she was in the section next to mine at AEW
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4 maanden geleden
if you can believe it, 2023 has come to a close. birthday month went out with a bang. december came with a lot of reflection and coming to terms with the fact i didn’t accomplish anything i wanted this year. but that’s okay! we ball regardless, this is the year of opportunity and success. i started posting monthly updates in this year just to express myself and check in with everyone that i may not speak to regularly, this has been so fun so i WILL be continuing this forever until the end of time (please hold your applause). let’s have a good 2024 i love you guys! RRRRAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH
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6 maanden geleden
November Update a little late, was a pretty sweet month but it always is. thankful for so much. but more importantly, it’s a bad bitch’s (me) birthday today dammit. i’m getting too old for this shit but i ain’t stopping any time soon RRRRRAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH
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6 maanden geleden
OCTOBER ALREADY OVER WTF!!! what a month man, every single year October hits different. shout out to my friends as always, we saw Death Grips this month i still haven’t gotten over it. been taking less pictures and just living in the moments i’m sorry guys. i truly am the embodiment of the indomitable human spirit and i’m on my bullshit ALWAYS. the weather is getting nice so i will be outside all november come find me. see ya when i see ya, some of you hopefully soon and some of you hopefully NEVER #realeater
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8 maanden geleden
september was kinda cool, nothing really happened. stressed about some things and bummed out by others but we ball regardless. went to some awesome shows, broke my glasses in a pit (again), and hung out with awesome people so can’t really complain. seeing death grips with like everyone i know in the beginning of october so that’s gonna rock. october will be the big turnaround i can feel it. see you then 🫡
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9 maanden geleden
august saved my fucking life. went to two of the most brutal shows of my life, got a job, reunited with my friends, and hopped on a stage or two. i’m so grateful for the people in my life that truly believe in me, i couldn’t do it without my friends. hopefully gonna start cooking some things soon just wait on it. excited to see what september brings. RETURN OF THE MAC !!!
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10 maanden geleden
July SUCKED and I have no money lol. No luck on a job and time is quickly running out, don’t know what I’m gonna do but we keep moving regardless. Hopefully things around in August and everything can go back to normal, I miss my friends dearly. Not much else happening, somebody play fortnite with me. See you guys in September (P.S: look how SNATCHED I look in that last picture 🤭 I was taking a pic of a cockroach)
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11 maanden geleden
Tried to make this post like 3 times to try and fit my favorite June moments, but this is just a small piece of it all. June absolutely did not feel real. My impending doom (unemployment and about to have no money) is lingering and I’m not trying to let it destroy me (somebody please get me a job). Shoutout to my all my friends for being awesome always. Shoutout to the new friends I made this month. First Pride Month being outwardly queer was incredible (idgaf who sees this). Hoping July can bring me even a fraction of the love and happiness June was able to bring. See ya next month for the Monthly Macatron Update
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1 jaar geleden