
Space for archival research, experimental artistic production, workshops and exhibitions. Tahir Meha 26, Prizren📍
The light of truth is born like the sun that dispels darkness The fire of freedom illuminates its horizon scatter its rays Look at this bright moment in history The socialist dawn is born the whole world is in joy Haxhi Omer Lutfi’s poem celebrating the printing of the first issue of Sosyalist Fecri (Socialist Dawn) 1920 ⚡️Thanks everyone for coming this weekend to see the work @pykepresje ! The exhibition covers different projects they’ve been working on from their space in Prizren, Kosovo. 🌅Socialist Dawn: An Unknown Story of Yugoslav Muslim Communists This long term research project focuses on the Muslim population’s support for the Communist Party of Yugoslavia in Kosovo and Macedonia. The special attention is given to Sosyalist Fecri (Socialist Dawn), a newspaper of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia (CPY) published in Skopje in 1920, in the Turkish language with Ottoman/Arabic script; The socialist poems of the Sufi leader in Prizren Haxhi Ymer Lutfi Paqarizi; The internationalist political activism of two socialist figures from Skopje: Ferit Bayram and Nakiye Bayram. #Three silk-screened posters 📽Film as Political School Film as Political School is an experimental project which aims to read the history of class struggle through film. In 2001, Chris Marker announced a second episode of his cinematic ‘Kosovo report’, which he would never release. In a statement written a few years later he wrote that “nobody cares about Kosovo anymore anyway — until the next war.” While this film is considered lost today, the ghost of war has not ceased to haunt Kosovo’s everyday life ever since. Using Chris Marker’s metaphor, Sezgin Boynik and Tevfik Rada capture the shadows of Kosovo’s recent history through cinematic devices. #Six silk-screened posters 🚩FROM SCRATCH: ALBANIAN SUMMER PICARESQUE Slogans Condensed depiction of political and artistic contradictions of socialist Albania. #Six silk-screened posters
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📽Screening: See You in the Next War ⚡️Saturday 20th April, 19h We will be screening a selection of films which relate to Film as Political School project by Pykë-Presje. The project treats film as a research tool and finds in the persistent ideological dilemmas of the eighties in Kosovo clues to today’s unresolved contradictions. The aim of Film as Political School, and the screening, is to picture this history through its gaps, to put them into motion.
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Publishing as Scaffolding, Part 1: Pykë-Presje ⚡️19th- 21st April As part of Rab Rab Press’ residency at AGIT, we are exciting to be hosting a small exhibition and event series with Pykë-Presje from Prizren, Kosovo. Pykë-Presje [pü:k presye, Wedge-Comma] is a space for archival research, experimental artistic production, workshops, and exhibitions, aiming to build a counter-archive from the local histories. ⏰Exhibition Opening and Discussion of the work of Pykë-Presje Friday 19th April, 19h For the opening of the exhibition, we will be hosting a discussion with Sezgin Boynik (Rab Rab Press) and Tevfik Rada (Pykë-Presje) about the history of Pykë-Presje, focusing on two recent projects. 🌅Socialist Dawn: An Unknown Story of Yugoslav Muslim Communists This long term research project focuses on the Muslim population’s support for the Communist Party of Yugoslavia in Kosovo and Macedonia. The special attention is given to Sosyalist Fecri (Socialist Dawn), a newspaper of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia (CPY) published in Skopje in 1920, in the Turkish language with Ottoman/Arabic script; The socialist poems of the Sufi leader in Prizren Haxhi Ymer Lutfi Paqarizi; The internationalist political activism of two socialist figures from Skopje: Ferit Bayram and Nakiye Bayram. 📽Film as Political School Film as Political School is an experimental project which aims to read the history of class struggle through film. In 2001, Chris Marker announced a second episode of his cinematic ‘Kosovo report’, which he would never release. In a statement written a few years later he wrote that “nobody cares about Kosovo anymore anyway — until the next war.” While this film is considered lost today, the ghost of war has not ceased to haunt Kosovo’s everyday life ever since. Using Chris Marker’s metaphor, Sezgin Boynik and Tevfik Rada capture the shadows of Kosovo’s recent history through cinematic devices. The exhibition will include a series of silkscreen prints from each project, which will remain on display at AGIT until the 21st April between 16- 19h each day. @pykepresje
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Some of the people and conversations captured at the exhibition ATO: SCENES FROM THE WOMEN’S ANTIFASCIST FRONT OF KOSOVA by @haziraj.blerta for the 4th edition of @autostradabiennale ! The exhibition is open for visitors from Tuesday-Sunday, 12-18h until September 09. 📸 as seen by mediators @sineratyfekqi & @benjaminmenekshee !💗 __ Blerta Haziraj’s work documents a search that is both hopeful and doomed. It is a search whose hope itself is unstable, whose object is continuously just out of reach, and whose space cannot be circumscribed by its own ruins. ATO (THEM) evokes the history of the Women’s Antifascist Front of Kosovo, the Kosovar branch of a mass movement that emerged from the partisan struggle of World War II. After the war, the Antifascist Women of Kosovo organized rural women, initiated large-scale unveiling campaigns, and promoted education, collectivization, and the ideal of a new socialist woman. An arm of the state, it was also shuttered by the state in the early 1950s. ATO testifies both to this history and to the act of salvage itself. A multimedia installation, it brings together video footage, images, texts, and archival material. It builds on in-depth archival research, as well as fieldwork. Haziraj’s camera roams villages scattered across rural, depopulated Kosovo; it finds forgotten stories in regions from which modernist dreams have long retreated, hills ignored by capitalist fever dreams. This footage is presented along newly unearthed excerpts from Agimi and Buletini, the two publications produced by the Women’s Antifascist Front of Kosovo, which are showcased publicly for the first time since their initial circulation. Between these two sets of materials, a tentative dialogue emerges. How to find a way toward a history so thoroughly ignored by both official accounts and feminist canons? Can we even recognize its traces? Where can we find its hope? Text by Áron Rossman-Kiss
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READ TODAY’S ARTICLE FROM OUR ONLINE ARCHIVE — AGRARIAN REFORM AND COLONISATION Agrarian reform was the burning question in Kosovo and Macedonia between the two world wars. The majority of the population was peasants and they were expecting an agrarian reform to get rid of the remnants of the çiftlik system and of the wealthy landlords. The reform was declared right after the First World War, however, it was never really applied to Kosovo and Macedonia until the beginning of the 1930s. Moreover, the reform was used in these lands as a political means for Slavicisation. This historical episode was called as colonization and was the subject of several studies. The most systematical research on this topic was done by Milovan Obradović. His PhD thesis was published in 1981 as Agrarna Reforma i Kolonizacija na Kosovu (1918 - 1941) (Agrarian Reform and Colonization of Kosovo (1918 - 1941)). Some of his texts were also translated into Albanian, such as the one we include here on CPY's position towards the agrarian reform between the two world wars: 'Qëndrimi i PKJ-së ndaj Qështjes Agrare në Kosovë (1918 - 1941)', Përparimi, 1979, no: 2, Prishtinë, p. 286-301. Read the full article at / link in bio
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TODAY’S ONLINE ARCHIVE: Muhamet Pirraku (1944-2014), an academic and historian from Kosovo wrote one of the most detailed articles on how 1st of May in 1920 Prizren was celebrated. The same year experienced the first massive and internationalist May Day parade in Prizren, as well as in other cities' around it, in history. The article was published in Dituria: Revistë Shkencore e Studentëve të Kosovës, no: 1-2, 1975, Prishtina, p. 107-136. 📄read the full article, link in bio ARKIVI ONLINE SOT: Muhamet Pirraku (1944-2014), akademik dhe historian nga Kosova shkroi një nga artikujt më të detajuar rreth festimit të 1 majit, të vitit 1920 në Prizren. Në atë vit u shënua parada e parë masive dhe internacionaliste e 1 Majit në historinë e Prizrenit, si dhe të qyteteve të tjera përreth tij. Artikulli është botuar në Dituria: Revistë Shkencore e Studentëve të Kosovës, nr: 1-2, 1975, Prishtinë, f. 107-136. 📄 artikulli i plotë në linkun në bio.
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LEXONI ARKIVIN TONË ONLINE, SOT INTERVISTA ME ZEKIYE PAÇARIZI: Në vitin 1990, Irfan Morina, reporter në TV Prishtina, shkrimtar në gazetën TAN dhe një kohë edhe redaktor i revistës Çevren e cila dilte në gjuhën turke në Kosovë, botoi një intervistë me gruan e Ymer Lutfiut, Zekiye Paçarizin. Intervista është në gjuhën turke me titullin “Haxhi Ymer Lutfi me Anët e tij të Panjohura” (Çevren, Viti: 17, nr: 75, janar-shkurt 1990, f. 75-79). Përveç Zekiyes, intervista përfshin edhe disa fjalë nga djali i saj Süreyya. lexoni më shumë në, linku në bio. __ READ OUR THEMATIC ONLINE ARCHIVE TODAY: INTERVIEW WITH ZEKIYE PAÇARIZI: In 1990, Irfan Morina, a reporter in TV Prishtina, a journalist and editor in TAN Newspaper and Çevren Journal–both of these latter were coming out in Kosovo in Turkish language–published an interview with Lutfi Paçarizi's wife Zekiye. The interview is in Turkish language and the title reads as "Haxhi Ymer Lutfi with his Unknown Sides" (Çevren, Year: 17, no: 75, January-February 1990, p. 75-79). Besides Zekiye, the interview includes a few words by her son Süreyya. read more through link in bio. __ TEMATİK ONLİNE ARŞİVDE BUGÜN: ZEKİYE HANIM İLE RÖPORTAJ: Kosova’da Türkçe olarak çıkan TAN Gazetesi ve Çevren dergisinde yazarlık ve editörlük yapan ve TV Priştine’de haberci olarak çalışan İrfan Morina, 1990 yılında Lütfü Paçariz’in eşi Zekiye Hanım ile bir röportaj yapar. Bu röportaj Çevren’de yayınlanır (Çevren, Yıl: 17, No: 75, Ocak-Şubat 1990, s. 75-79). Zekiye Hanım’ın yanında oğlu Süreyya da röportaja dahil olur. Aşağıdaki linkten bu metni okuyabilirsiniz. Daha fazlası için bio'daki linke tıklayın.
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READ OUR THEMATIC ONLINE ARCHIVE, EVERY WEDNESDAY @pykepresje is building a thematic and online archive based on its research topics. Each week, we will present an article, a book chapter, an interview, or a newspaper clip related to this topic. The first in this series is “Haxhi Ymer Lutfi Paçarizi and His Time”. Explore Mark Krasniqi’s take on Ymer Lutfiu Paçarizi: Mark Krasniqi (1920-2015), a renowned writer and journalist from Kosovo, extensively contributed to Albanian literature. In 1955, he published an article about Haxhi Ymer Lutfi Paçarizi in the journal 'Jeta e Re.' Krasniqi's text relies on his field notes and translations of Paçarizi's poems given to him by Hilmi Paçarizi, Salih Çavolli, Talat Paçarizi, and Mumin Jakupi. more at, link in bio ✨ LEXONI ARKIVIN ONLINE TË PYKË-PRESJES, ÇDO TË MËRKURË #PykëPresje ka krijuar arkivin tematik online bazuar në temat hulumtuese të saj. Çdo javë, do të ndajmë online një artikull, kapitull libri, intervistë, ose shkëputje gazete që ndërlidhet me këtë temë. E para në radhë është “Haxhi Ymer Lutfi Paçarizi dhe Koha e Tij”. Shfletoni perspektivën e Mark Krasniqit rreth Ymer Lutfi Paçarizit. Mark Krasniqi (1920-2015), shkrimtar dhe gazetar i njohur nga Kosova, njihet për kontributin e tij të gjerë në letërsinë shqipe. Në vitin 1955, ai publikoi një artikull rreth Haxhi Ymer Lutfi Paçarizit në revistën ‘Jeta e Re’. Teksti i tij mbështetet në shënimet e terrenit dhe përkthimet e poezisë së Paçarizit, të cilat ia kishin dhënë Hilmi Paçarizi, Salih Çavolli, Talat Paçarizi dhe Mumin Jakupi. Lexoni më shumë përmes linkut në bio
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RRNOFTË FESTA E 1 MAJIT, PRA MUSLIMANË E KRISHTENË GËZU I KA — Më 7 prill 1920 pak ditë para marshit të 1 Majit, në Prizren u shpërnda një flamur propagandistik komunist. Afishja ishte e shkruar në gjuhën turke dhe i drejtohej “punëtorëve të nderuar dhe fshatarëve muslimanë”. Afishja ishte e nënshkruar me pseudonimin ‘Mehmed’ në Prizren. Mirëpo, sipas informatave të marrjes në pyetje të Ante Dejanoviqit, anëtar i shquar i organizatës komuniste në Prizren, afishja ishte shkruar në Shkup dhe 50 kopje të saj ishin shpërndarë në Prizren. Agjencia Shtetërore e Arkivave të Kosovës. O-8; K-28, dosja nr: 1872. Kopjet e kësaj afisheje nuk kanë mbijetuar, përveç përkthimit serb të përmbajtjes së saj, të kryer nga shërbimet inteligjente të policëve serbë, në 1920. Në afishe thuhet se industrialistët e pasur, feudalët dhe oportunistët e klasës së mesme kanë krijuar parti që u shërbejnë vetëm interesave të tyre. Më tej thuhet se të varfërit, fshatarët dhe punëtorët në Mbretërinë e Serbëve, Kroatëve dhe Sllovenëve po bashkohen nën flamurin e socialistëve dhe komunistëve të cilët janë të vetmit që u shërbejnë klasave të shtypura dhe të shfrytëzuara. Deklarata i bën thirrje popullatës myslimane nga Kosova dhe Maqedonia që t'i bashkohen partisë së barazisë, lirisë dhe emancipimit. Falë socialistëve myslimanë, vijon deklarata se së shpejti në botim, do të dalë një gazetë turke. Afishja përfundon me sloganet: Rroftë Republika e Shteteve të Bashkuara të Ballkanit; Rroftë Revolucioni Rus; Rroftë Organizata Ndërkombëtare e Punëtorëve. E nënshkruar si Sekretariati i Organizatës Socialiste të Punëtorëve Jugosllavo-Shkupianë. Agjencia Shtetërore e Arkivave të Kosovës, O-8; K-20, dosja nr: 1782. Librin e gjeni në @pyke_books
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Në Ditën Ndërkombëtare të Gruas kujtojmë angazhimin politik dhe shoqëror të Frontit Antifashist të Grave të Kosovës përmes revistës #Buletini (1948). Rroftë 8 Marsi!✊🏻
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our colleague #sezginboynik presenting @pykepresje and @pyke_books artworks and publications at @medborgarhusethagersten !✨ 📸 Lilou Angelrath
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EUROPE IS A SOAP BUBBLE FROM SCRATCH: ALBANIAN SUMMER PICARESQUE✨ in view at @armataprishtina , until the end of the week!
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