
Artist | Songwriter | Mama 4 million+ streams on Spotify ❤️‍🔥⬇️LISTEN TO MY MUSIC ⬇️❤️‍🔥
us2 singing u2 💘
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8 maanden geleden
There is certainly a lot of pressure on women in music to succeed before they are “too old” and that often comes at the price of feeling like they have to choose between pursuing their dream of music, or giving up to have a family. I’m here to say you don’t have to choose, you can still pursue your passion and have a family, if you want to do it all you can, but only if you want to! Of course the balancing act comes with its challenges, but so do all great feats. Some days it flows and other days it doesn’t, but the fire doesn’t go out and I am choosing to show up. I feel so happy to know my son is growing up witnessing me choose to walk a path of authenticity and shine my light bright as a creative woman. Having my husband and son beside me the whole way cheering me on is honestly the greatest motivator of all! I love that we can celebrate the women at the top of the industry who are mothers as well as powerhouse artists, but my hope is that this same reverence and celebration can extend to the women who are continuing to make music in an industry that tells them they are relevant anymore. It’s just not true! Yes there’s a pushback from the industry, but I don’t make music for the industry, I make music for people! Getting older and becoming a mother can bring such a wealth of wisdom, perspective and insight that can be poured into music to be shared with the world…this is something to be treasured and encouraged, not ignored or cast aside because of a worn out stigma. Here’s some of my favourite mamas making music of you want to check them out! @the.edwina.masson @hannahsandsmusic @elskamusic @iamalysffion @sammiconstantine (mama to be!) My hope is that with enough of us pushing back against the ageism and sexism that is ever so present in the music industry, that one day upcoming artists won’t ever feel the need to suppress their dreams for fear of not being accepted or heard.
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2 maanden geleden
The kind of love that walked right in and made itself a home. 20.1.23 🤍 📷 @milkhoneycreative
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1 jaar geleden
Yes a little bit delulu, but mostly a drive to be an example that age and life experience get to make you an even better Artist and no one can stop you from creating but yourself! I remember being 18/19 feeling worried that if I didn’t “make it” by 25, I’d miss my chance and be a failure. I had fears that having child one day might mean giving up on this dream…and I’ve known many independent female artists who felt like there wasn’t a seat at the table for them anymore once they did have kids. The fear and the stigma is so deeply ingrained into the creative fields and I get why! There’s no blue print or how to guide of how to be a parent and an artist, there’s not many examples of aging women in performance and recording spaces. The mega stars manage to do it, but most got their success when they were young and had children once established so it can feel unattainable for upcoming artists…It can feel like the industry doesn’t want us . But we don’t make music for “the industry”, we make music because we are Artists, we share to reflect the times, to tell stories, to connect with people and hearts. Let’s ditch this whole outdated idea that a woman’s worth in music is solely based on her desirability or youthfulness, there’s too much pressure on external value when it should be about the music! Let’s Get rid of the age limits for competitions and grants, I want to see and create more spaces that celebrate women in all stages of life, then as artists let’s commit to stop limiting ourselves like we have a use by date! Mums are hot and confident aging women are literally beacons of light that we get to pleasure of learning from. I have hope that things are shifting, I know I won’t be letting anyone or anything stop me making music and there are more and more incredible creative women who are doing the same! You can bet your bottom dollar that I’ll still be rocking out in my 50’s 60’s and beyond 🤘🏼🎸 🎤 #indieartist #womeninmusic #motherhood
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12 dagen geleden
It’s all happening ✨ I’ve got new music coming (will start sharing some snippets soon!), raising my son, working on exciting vocal features, teaching singing students, teaching myself financial literacy, booking gigs and shows for when I arrive home ☺️. I’ve set myself some big goals and I’m committing to showing up and taking action on them in everyday 🦋
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12 dagen geleden
As travelling freelance creatives, we never quite know when or where our next opportunity will arrive. But given the nature of what we do (myself being a singer/songwriter and my Husband is a dancer/photographer), it’s absolutely vital to keep our creative energy flowing. For us, nature is such a beautiful source of inspiration, creating peace in our inner world and amazement for the beauty around us. It sparks a special kind of magic, to play with light, movement and sound in natural spaces ✨ Bringing that creative play into our craft allows us to keep growing as Artists! This particular day was so special, discovering ancient falls in remote jungles in Bohol, Philippines 📍Can-umanted Fall, Bohol #creativity #freelancecreative #artinnature
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15 dagen geleden
It’s both a bizarre and satisfying feeling to release music into the world. All the build up and then it takes off on it’s own little trajectory 🥲 Feeling so happy to see this little song baby taking a spin on so many playlists and beautiful reels! It’s been so nice to dip my toes into a new realm of sound…lofi music is something I personally love to vibe to, so it’s been exciting to play around with my vocals layered into that sonic realm! There’s more coming very soon that I can’t wait to share with you all! #lofimusic #newmusic #independentartist
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22 dagen geleden
Our sweet boy is 3! Loving, kind, hilarious, independent, courageous and full of wonder…this little human truly is a gift from the heavens and I am so glad I get to spend the rest of my life loving him with my whole heart 💞 Motherhood is the greatest gift of my life and I can’t believe it’s been 3 years since I brought him into the world…wow I really did that! 3 years of loving, learning and leaning into this beautiful life with our ray of sunshine 💞
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24 dagen geleden
When you’re young and stepping into a creative industry, there can be so many fears or pressures that can fuel self doubt or a lack of confidence in the dream you have. I have had many a moment feeling like I was failing or wondered if I should continue doing this, but ultimately I’m so grateful to have stayed true my path. As I get older I’ve come to appreciate all the twist and turns that have kept me in alignment with my purpose. So here’s the things I would go back and say to baby Rhea in those moments of self doubt (I hope they help you too!): • Your Art matters, even if you aren’t selling out stadiums or getting a record deal. Your music will touch hearts all over the world and with determination and consistency you will find your own version of success! •The “struggling artist” complex won’t serve you or anyone. Success is defined by you…fame and fortune aren’t the only outcomes of this path. Success can mean having a consistent and ongoing love for what you do! •There will be people who won’t like your music and that’s ok…your purpose is the share authentically and the people who appreciate your art will find you. • it’s ok to not box yourself by one genre! Despite critics, one day you will look back your body of work and witness your journey, range, experience and diversity as an artist that will be appreciated for years to come • You can be an Artist and a mother, you won’t have to choose between them! Being a mother is the ultimate creativity and can fuel your dream even further. You will also be a part of the movement of women pushing back at gender and age stereotypes 🤜 • Keep staying true to your craft, commit to things whole heartedly, do your best and be kind to everyone you come across. This all pays off in the end and your reputation will stay with you • Have big dreams, work with other artists and industry professionals that you admire and respect, don’t talk yourself down and keep reaching for all the opportunities! It’s ok if you get a no or a rejection, it just wasn’t meant for you that time…just keep moving, the right people and projects see what you do and love it! Continued in comments, feel free to add extra things!
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26 dagen geleden
Did you know that artists can see the playlists that their music is added to 🧐? I absolutely love seeing my songs make their way onto the fun and creative playlists made by my listeners! It’s one thing I love about streaming platforms, is the ease to make playlists and create a whole vibe for every mood. A playlist for every moment: Driving, relaxation, girls night out, motivational, for the bedroom 😜, working out, big feelings, dancing, travel, falling in love, breaking up, cooking, walks in the rain…gosh music really can create a moment in time! These songs end up being the soundtrack of our lives! What’s your favourite playlist that you’ve made? #newmusic #playlists #indieartist
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1 maand geleden
Hands up who else is getting the full sticker makeover while preparing for work? Haha it’s all action over here on my face, maybe this should be my new look? 👀 All jokes aside, this is often what it looks like behind the scenes while rehearsing and writing, takes some willpower to stay focused at times 😅 But we make it work! Also, this is a snippet of an acoustic version of my new song TBT that out now…so you can stream it wherever you listen to music and support my little family 🎶 #motherhood #newmusic
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1 maand geleden
It’s funny how a little flower can take us into a world of our own… soft petals, a sweet aroma and off we tumble into a wonderland of imagination 🌸 Children truly have a gift of finding joy in simplicity 🦋
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1 maand geleden