Sereen Shafiq


Pfp drawn by @maile_zeze_ 🇮🇶-🇺🇲 Last name is pronounced Sha-feelk @seridraws is my art account
Had a super fun day with @that_one_girly178 ! The glow up this gal had is unbelievable 😭 Can not wait to see you again!
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1 jaar geleden
Had a fun day out with @tayloranne05 and @5577jamie ! Featuring Taylor's axolotls Shiki (the black one) and Isabeau (the pink one), the pizza we had, and a plant that looks suspiciously similar to me
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1 jaar geleden
Had so much fun watching Into The Woods! It was amazing, everyone in it was spectacular 💕
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1 jaar geleden
Hung out with lots of friends this weekend! Very thankful to know such kind, funny, and generous people 💝
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1 jaar geleden
Had fun with @5577jamie today! We went downtown, got coffee and brownies, ate at a restaurant, and then went to some of the stores there. I also ate a big red strawberry that grew in my garden 😋 We then watched a video on how to get sent to hell in every religion at my house. Very good day 😁
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1 jaar geleden
Watched the new Spiderman movie with my friend!
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2 jaar geleden
Met my online friend of 3 years for the first time!
46 7
2 jaar geleden
I went to Laguna beach yesterday!
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5 jaar geleden
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5 jaar geleden
My beautiful bunny named Mel
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5 jaar geleden
Thank you @mya_bandi for the outfit
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5 jaar geleden